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Теория государства и права

чений и для работников частной охранной организации [6, ст. 12] и для её руководителя [6, ч. 7 и 8 ст. 15.1], а потому в этой связи ограничения для участников (учредителей такой организации не выглядя чем-то неожиданным, несоразмерным, либо не укладывающимся в «генеральную линию». При этом, к примеру, для ограничения для руководителя частной охранной организации напрямую затрагивают его конституционное право на труд, устанавливая запрет на занятие любой деятельностью по трудовому договору, за исключением научной, преподавательской и иной творческой деятельности.

Таким образом, к примеру, если бы часть четвертая статьи 151 Закона Российской Федерации «О частной детективной и охранной деятельности», вернее даже не вся данная норма, а только второе предложение абзаца было бы переработано таким образом, чтобы установить четкий запрет осуществление учредителем (участником) частной охранной организации какой-либо иной предпринимательской или трудовой деятельности, вкупе с запретом на участие в любых иных юридических лицах, безотносительно от их организационно-правовой формы – разрешение многих вопросов не требовало бы столь глубокого анализа норм и столь сложного толкования.

Подобный категорический запрет приведен в качестве примера, все же представляется, то, не смотря на всю специфику деятельности, столь суровые ограничения были бы излишними. Более уместным и целесообразным было бы по аналогии с ограничениями, наложенными на руководителя частной охранной организации, установить общий запрет на замещение государственных должностей Российской Федерации (субъектов Российской Федерации), должностей государственной (муниципальной) службы, выборных оплачиваемых должностей в общественных объединениях, а также вступать в трудовые отношения в качестве работника, за исключением осуществления им научной, преподавательской и иной творческой деятельности [6, ч. 8 ст. 15.1] – уж если эти виды деятельности разрешены руководителю частной охранной организации, странно было бы запрещать их для участников (учредителей) такой организации. При этом запрет на участие в любых иных юридических лицах также следовало бы прописать более определенно.

Иными словами, предложение второе из части четвертой статьи 151 Закона Российской Федерации «О частной детективной и охранной деятельности» можно было бы исключить, а в часть восьмую после слова «Руководитель» добавить, поставив запятую «Учредитель (участник)». Также, дополнить часть восьмую отдельным предложением о запрете на участие учредителей (участников) частной охранной организации в любых иных юридических лицах, безотносительно организационноправовой формы последних.

Вызывает вопросы целесообразность отдельного упоминания в законе о механизме воздействия «добросовестных» участников (учредителей) на нерадивого, занимающегося ещё каким-либо видом деятельности, который может быть признан судами основным (создавая тем самым, с учетом сложившейся правоприменительной практики, основание для негативных последствий для всей охранной организации). С одной стороны механизм теоретически выводится из положений Федерального закона «Об обществах с ограниченной ответственностью» [7, ст. 10], с другой стороны, с учетом опять же правоприменительной практики, видимо, этот механизм неочевиден, и отдельное подчеркивание подобной возможности, вместе с однозначным закреплением распределения ответственности представляется не лишним.


Theory of State and Law

Поменяют ли предложенные изменения что-то радикально в уже существующем регулировании. Радикально – пожалуй, нет. Однако снимется весомая часть и теоретических и практических вопросов, связанных как со статусом учредителя (участника) частной охранной организации, так и с правовым положением самой такой организации. Да и определенности в правоотношениях предложенные изменения добавят, сделав установленные проще для понимания, без необходимости изучения весомого массива правоприменительной практики.

Библиографический список

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12.Федеральный закон от 13 июля 2015 года № 222-ФЗ «О деятельности кредитных рейтинговых агентств в Российской Федерации, о внесении изменения в статью 76.1 Федерального закона «О Центральном банке Российской Федерации (Банке России)» и признании утратившими силу отдельных положений законодательных актов Российской Федерации» // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. – 2015. – № 29 (часть I). – Ст. 4348.

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Теория государства и права

15.Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 24 февраля 2010 года

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22.Определение Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации от 27 мая 2021 года

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Theory of State and Law

дерации» // Официальный сайт Конституционного Суда Российской Федерации http://www. ksrf.ru/ru/Decision/ Pages/default.aspx (Дата обращения 7 декабря 2021 года).

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Теория государства и права

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44.Шаронов С.А. «Особенности правового положения субъектов корпоративного отношения в частной охранной организации» / Гражданское право. – 2014. – № 4. – С. 22–25.

Для цитирования: Матюхин А.А., Комаров В.С., Ревнов Б.А. К вопросу о статусе учредителя (участника) частной охранной организации: статья // Теория государства и права. – 2022. № 3. С. 151–164.

DOI: 10.47905/MATGIP.2022.28.3.011

Anatoly A. Matyukhin*

Vladimir S. Komarov**

Boris A. Revnov***


Annotation. The article reveals the essence of some restrictions related to the status of the founder (participant) of a private security organization, as well as the impact of non-compliance with these restrictions on the organization itself. The article analyzes the legislative approach to regulatory regulation in this area, as well as the judicial practice devoted to this issue. Proposals are being put forward to improve regulatory regulation in this matter.

The authors conclude that since security activities involve the use of physical force, and sometimes weapons, the possibility of creating their own security units created risks for commercial organizations to use such units not only to ensure the safety of their economic activities, but also to influence competing organizations. According to Federal Law No. 272-FZ of December 22, 2008, the creation of its own security units has become impossible.

* Matyukhin Anatoly Alekseevich, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the Private Educational Institution of Higher Education "Legal Institute" (St. Petersburg), Doctor of Law, Professor. E-mail: amatyukhin200@yandex.ru

**Komarov Vladimir Sergeevich, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, PEI VO “Legal Institute” (St. Petersburg), Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor. ORCID: https:// orcid.org/0000-0001-6990-2588. E-mail: wladskom@mail.ru

***Revnov Boris Aleksandrovich, Associate Professor of the Department of Сonstitutional and Аdministrative law of the Private Educational Institution of Higher Education "Legal Institute" (St. Petersburg), Ph.D.inLaw,AssociateProfessor.ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6668-6760.E-mail:akziz07@yandex.ru


Theory of State and Law

Keywords: a participant (founder) of a private security organization, a private security organization, the status of a participant (founder) of a private security organization, restrictions for a participant (founder) of a private security organization, "main activity" as aterm, the main activity of an individual.

In the theory of civil law, there is a clear understanding that state bodies and local governments do not have the right to participate on their own behalf in business partnerships and companies. Institutions may be participants in economic companies and investors in limited partnerships with the permission of the owner of the property of the institution, unless otherwise provided by law.

It should be noted that there are not so many areas in the Russian Federation where there would be restrictions on the participation of certain entities in business companies and, as a rule, such restrictions are always due to the unique specifics of the activities of such companies. So, in particular, restrictions on participation are established for the founders (shareholders, participants) of a credit rating agency [12, part 1, art. 6], an insurance medical organization [8, part 2 of Art. 14], a microfinance organization [14, part 1, art. 4.3], shareholders (participants) of the pawnshop [13, part 1, art. 2.2], founders (participants) of the organizer of trade [9, part 1, art. 7], the founder (co-founder) of the mass media [5, art. 7] and some others.

Similar restrictions are contained in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Private Detective and Security Activities", which defines a closed list of entities that cannot be founders (participants) of a private security organization: public associations; individuals and (or) legal entities that do not meet the requirements specified in the fourth part of Article 15.1 of the said Law; citizens who are in the public service or who hold elective paid positions in public associations; citizens who have a criminal record for committing an intentional crime, as well as legal entities whose founders (participants) include these persons; foreign citizens, citizens of the Russian Federation who have the citizenship of a foreign state, stateless persons, foreign legal entities, as well as organizations whose founders (participants) include these citizens and persons, in the absence of an appropriate international treaty of the Russian Federation [6].

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Private Detective and Security Activities" in its original version did not limit the circle of entities that were entitled to be participants (founders) of private security companies and did not establish requirements for the activities of the founders (participants) of such enterprises. At the same time, Article 14 of the said Law allowed the creation by enterprises of any organizational and legal forms of separate divisions for the implementation of security and detective activities in the interests of the founder's safety. This rule allowed commercial organizations to create their own "security services", the activities of which were completely under their control. Since security activities involve the use of physical force and sometimes weapons, the possibility of creating their own security units created risks for commercial organizations to use such units not only to ensure the safety of their business activities, but also to influence competing organizations [6].

In the new edition of the said Law, the creation of their own security units became impossible [10, Art. 2]. According to the current version of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation”, the provision of security services is carried out only by limited liability companies specially established for these purposes, and for the founders (participants) of such companies, this type of activity should be the main one [6, Part 1 Art. 15.1]. At the same time, for legal entities en-


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gaged in activities other than security, the legislator separately stipulated the possibility of establishing a private organization in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation [15], while, although this Regulation refers specifically to the “establishment” of security organizations, the action The corresponding resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, within the meaning of the law, should also apply to cases of participation of a legal entity in a security organization.

However, it seems that such a procedure cannot be extended to citizens due to a direct reference in the law to the founders-legal entities. Such a legal entity must be a strategic enterprise, a strategic joint stock company, a natural monopoly entity, a state corporation or a state company or a military Cossack society, and also justify the need to establish a security organization [15, p. 2, 3]. These restrictions on the founders (participants) of security organizations were established in order to prevent the creation and operation of affiliated security structures, as well as the use of security organizations contrary to the goals of security activities [39]. At the same time, this regulation itself contains uncertainty that does not allow to unambiguously determining the circle of subjects that cannot be founders (participants) of a private security organization.

It makes sense to explore this issue in more detail. The legal literature indicates the uncertainty of the established restrictions for the founders (participants) of private security organizations, and the authors offer different interpretations. For example, the uncertainty of the concept of “main activity” is noted and it is proposed to consider the main activity of a commercial organization as the one that has the greatest significance in the total volume of services at the end of the year; since a corporate security organization is established by a citizen only to provide security services, the process of providing them will be the main activity for him [43, 44]. There are other examples when the ambiguity of this concept for individuals is noted and options for its interpretation are proposed [42]. The few comments of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation", as a rule, do not contain an interpretation of the second sentence of part four [40].

A literal reading and grammatical interpretation of part four of Article 15.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Private Detective and Security Activities” (which is referred to in paragraph 2 of part five of this article, which establishes the circle of persons who cannot be founders (participants) of a private security organization) leads to the conclusion that this norm establishes requirements for the founders (participants) of a private security organization – legal entities.

Thus, the first sentence refers to the impossibility of creating a private security organization as a subsidiary company by an organization engaged in activities other than security. The third sentence establishes that the right to establish a private security organization by a legal entity engaged in activities other than security may be granted if there are sufficient grounds in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The fourth sentence refers to branches of a private security organization. With this construction of this norm, it is logical to assume that its second sentence – “For the founder (participant) of a private security organization, this type of activity should be the main one” – is also addressed to legal entities, and not to citizens, and then the concept of “type of activity” acquires a fairly definite outline. However, this type of interpretation does not correspond to the meaning of thenorm,whichis giventoitbytheestablished lawenforcementpractice.

Strictly speaking, the provision of part four of Article 15.1 of the said Law of the Russian Federation contains concepts, the content of which, by virtue of the current legisla-


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tion, cannot be disclosed in relation to a citizen who does not carry out entrepreneurial activity – “type of activity” and “main type of activity [6].

In the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Classification of Types of Economic Activity is in force. The classifier is used, among other things, in solving problems related to the classification and coding of types of economic activity declared by economic entities during registration, as well as determining the main and additional types of economic activity carried out by economic entities [17].

An indication of the need to register business entities, considered in the system of current legal regulation, in particular, taking into account the provisions of the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” [11, Art. 5, 7.1, 22.2], allows us to conclude that the specified classification of types of economic activity and their division into main and additional ones are applicable only to those economic entities that are registered as such in the manner prescribed by law in the form of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. So, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs enter information on the types of economic activity of a person according to the specified All-Russian classifier, among which the main type of activity and (if any) additional types of activity are distinguished.

It can also be noted that for the purposes of setting insurance rates for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, the Rules for classifying types of economic activity as a class of occupational risk were developed, according to which [16] the main type of economic activity of a commercial organization is the type that according to the results of the previous year, it has the largest share in the total volume of products manufactured and services rendered; the main type of economic activity of a nonprofit organization is the type in which, according to the results of the previous year, the largest number of employees of the organization were employed; the main type of economic activity of the insured – an individual who employs persons subject to compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, corresponds to the main type of activity indicated in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

In relation to a citizen – an individual, the current civil legislation does not establish the obligatory definition of such a concept as "the main type of his activity". At the same time, it is obvious that the concept of “main place of work”, defined taking into account the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is not identical.

Meanwhile, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [3, p. 5 Art. 66] and the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” [7, p. 1, art. 7] give both citizens and legal entities the opportunity to be members of society. These provisions, considered in the system of current legal regulation, allow us to conclude that any citizen, becoming a member of a limited liability company, acquires this status precisely as an individual, i.e. regardless of the status of an individual entrepreneur.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the different nature of the activities carried out by a citizen as an individual and as an individual entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematically making a profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services [3, p. 1, art. 2]. In principle, such a definition of entrepreneurial activity (in particular, the criterion of systematicity) implies a fairly high degree of involvement of a person in its implementation. However, this does not mean that this activity is the main one for a citizen. When evaluating such criteria as labor costs, time, income level, etc., it is possible that the main activity of a citizen will be, for example, labor activity.


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Participation in a limited liability company cannot in itself be regarded as an entrepreneurial activity; it refers to other economic activities not prohibited by law [18, p. 4.2; 20, item 2.2]. Moreover, participation in a limited liability company, in fact, may not be some kind of active activity. In fact, this is a set of certain rights of a member of the company, which he exercises from time to time, as a rule, at regular or extraordinary meetings of the company. A member of the company may not take an active part in the current activities of the company, for this there is a management (management) of the company.

A commercial organization is an independent subject of law, different from its participants. The basis of the constitutional and legal status of participants in economic companies is the right to freely use their abilities and property for entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law; at the same time, the activities of shareholders (participants) are not entrepreneurial (it refers to other economic activities not prohibited by law) – entrepreneurial activities are carried out not by the participants as such, but by the organization itself [18, p. 4.2].

So, participation in the authorized capital of a commercial organization in itself cannot be regarded as an entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, the interpretation raises certain theoretical questions, which identifies the activities of the organization and its participants, especially with the presentation of the latter requirement that for a participant in a private security organization this type of activity should be the main one, since security activities are carried out not by the participant, but by the organization itself.

In addition, the restrictions arising from the fourth part of Article 15.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Private Detective and Security Activities” affect not only the right to carry out other economic activities, but the free choice of type of activity and profession [1, part 1 of Art. 37; 41], and the free use of their abilities and property for entrepreneurial and other economic activities not prohibited by law by citizens who are founders (participants) of security organizations [1, part 1, art. 34; 41]. This regulation creates obstacles for the founders ofsuchorganizationstoengageinotheractivities(individualentrepreneurialorlabor).

Accordingly, in a situation where a legal entity cannot engage in private security activities due to the participant performing a different type of activity, such a participant is faced with a choice: stop individual entrepreneurial (or other) activities or stop the security activities of a legal entity. At the same time, in favor of the fact that in this case the right of a citizen to carry out economic activities by creating a legal entity is limited, it is the legal entity that bears the adverse consequences in the form of bringing to administrative responsibility and suspension of the license, and the founder (participant) himself – nothing prevents a natural person from continuing his entrepreneurial activity or work under an employment contract, i.e. his rights are limited as a member of a legal entity, and not as an individual entrepreneur or employee.

If you look at the emerging picture from the perspective of a legal entity, the situation appears in another interesting vein. The Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, among other things, establishes that, when considering a case on bringing to administrative responsibility, the arbitration court in a court session determines whether there are grounds for bringing to administrative responsibility a person in respect of whom a protocol on an administrative offense has been drawn up [2, part 6 of Art. 205]. At the same time, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation expressly provides that a legal entity is found guilty of committing an administrative offense if it is established that it had the opportunity to comply with the rules and norms, for the violation of which the said Code or the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation provide


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for administrative liability, but this person did not take all measures depending on him to comply with them [4, part 2, art. 2.1].

However, theoretically, a private security organization is threatened with the possibility of bringing to administrative responsibility (for carrying out entrepreneurial activities in violation of the requirements and conditions provided for by a special permit (license) [4, part 3, article 14.1]) because one of its participants (founders), that is, a legally different entity, is, for example, also the founder of another legal entity whose main activity is not security, or is an individual entrepreneur.

Meanwhile, the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies", does not contain rules that allow a limited liability company to oblige its participants to alienate their share, or otherwise terminate their participation in such a company, on the contrary, the legal relations of the company and its participants are actually in the nature of the subordination of the society to the will of its participants, the binding decisions of the participants for the society.

Approximately with such a heap of problems a particular law enforcer will have to face when resolving the issue. Any analysis of the norm would not be complete without studying its interpretation used in law enforcement practice.

With regard to citizens-founders (participants) of security organizations, the requirement established by part four of Article 15.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation" to carry out security activities as the main type of activity by the courts, as a rule, is interpreted as prohibiting a citizen from engaging in any activity other than security.

Thus, in relation to a security organization, the authorized body issued an order to eliminate violations of licensing requirements expressed in the fact that the founder of this organization is simultaneously the founder of a limited liability company and a public organization that does not carry out security activities [27]. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation stated the legality of this order and confirmed the conclusions of the lower courts that the citizen-founder (participant) of a security organization should not engage in activities other than security services.

This approach can be called well-established in the practice of lower arbitration courts, which is confirmed by the following examples.

The Arbitration Court of the Urals District overturned the decisions of the lower courts and recognized as lawful the decision of the authorized body to refuse to reissue the license of a private security organization. This refusal was associated with a violation by the security organization of licensing requirements, which resulted in the fact that its founder is the founder of other organizations, and is also registered as an individual entrepreneur [33]. By a ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the applicant in the case was denied the transfer of the applicant's cassation appeal for consideration in a judicial session of the Judicial Collegium for Economic Disputes of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation [28]. At the same time, the courts of first and appeal instances noted that participation as a founder in other organizations and having the status of an individual entrepreneur do not matter for establishing whether security is the main activity for a citizen. The courts also pointed out the uncertainty of the provisions of part four of Article 15.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Private Detective and Security Activities”, since in relation to a citizen who is a founder (participant) of a security organization, the concept of “main activity” in the legal relations in question is not applicable, and the concept of “the main type of activity of an individual” is not disclosed in the legislation [34].