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Н.Н. Курпешко Методические указания для обучения устной речи на английском языке (практическое пособие для студентов-магистров)

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Министерство образования Российской Федерации Кузбасский государственный технический университет Кафедра иностранных языков ГСП


для обучения устной речи на английском языке (практическое пособие для студентов-магистров)

Составитель Н.Н. Курпешко

Утверждены на заседании кафедры Протокол № 2 от 3.11.2000

Рекомендованы к печати методической комиссией направления 550600 Протокол № 2 от 5.12.2000

Электронная копия находится в библиотеке главного корпуса КузГТУ

Кемерово 2001



Данное пособие включает материал по темам: “Учёба в магистратуре”, “Персоналии”, “Написание статей и диссертации”, “Библиотека как неотъемлемая часть научной работы”, “Лаборатория и научная работа”, “Конференция и представление доклада”.

Главная направленность пособия состоит в том, чтобы развить у магистров навыки беглой монологической и диалогической речи по данным темам.

Основу работы составляют тексты, заимствованные из журналов, газет, пособий. Каждому тексту предшествует активная лексика, а за ним следуют упражнения: вопросно-ответная работа, пересказ с английского языка на русский или с русского на английский, перевод, составление самостоятельных диалогов, упражнения на синонимы и антонимы, подстановка отсутствующих в данных предложениях элементов и т.д. Но основное внимание уделено упражнениям речевого характера.

Для заключительной работы над темой представлены задания, которые могут быть использованы для закрепления новой лексики, а также для совершенствования связной монологической и диалогической речи.






graduate school /courses



всесторонний, обширный


затраты, расход

gross domestic product

валовой внутренний продукт




трест, промышленное объединение




круг, сфера, диапазон


оборудование; средства; возможности

to undertake



докторская степень






учебная программа






подготовка, обучение


фонд; средства; выделять средства

advanced studies

курс углубленной подготовки

confer degrees

присуждать степени


предназначать; проектировать


вовлекать, включать









meet the requirements/needs

отвечать требованиям

defend (topic, thesis)

защищать (тему, диссертацию)




содействовать, способствовать


вести; управлять; быть инициатором


выбор; право выбора или замены

educational establishment

учебное заведение

scientific board (council)

ученый совет


присуждать (степени)

context statement

отчет по определенной теме

in one’s own right

полагающийся по праву (закону)




руководитель (научный)

present thesis

представить диссертацию



I. Read and translate. Mind international words.

Technological basis, Nobel prize, national economy, total, per cent, electronics firms, traditional conductor materials, sponsor, meetings, publications, sponsorship, national academy, extensive programmes, modern production and technology, methods and analysis, to design individually and in cooperation, the university's academic portfolio, alternative principles and methods, option, specialist engineering doctorate, qualification of senior professionals and managers, equivalent, to register candidates, to interact with experts.

II. Read the following text and answer the questions.

1. What facts testify to the development of science and technology in Britain? 2. What are the sources of financing R&D? 3. What British organization is equivalent in its functions to the Russian Academy of Sciences? 4. What are the main aims of research programmes run by the European Community? 5. What demands are made of graduates from higher educational establishments? 6. How can students get ready for their future research and development work?

Science and Technology in Britain

Britain's long record of achievement in science and technology has continued throughout the twentieth century. Nobel prizes for science have been won by 70 British citizens, more than for any country except the United States.

In the last two decades major contributions have been made by British scientists working in universities, research institutes and industry. Research is continuing in different fields of national economy.

Total expenditure on scientific research and development (R & D) exceeds 2.2 per cent of gross domestic product. Industry provides 50 per cent of this, and government just over 40 per cent, the remainder


coming from charities, trusts and overseas.

Electronics firms are involved in developing new semiconductor materials vital for very fast computers for defence and civil applications.

Around 40 per cent of research undertaken in universities is funded by the Universities Funding Council. The high quality of work attracts sponsorship from industry and funding from government departments. More 900 learned scientific societies promote science and technology through meetings, publications and sponsorships. The Royal Society, founded in 1660, is Britain’s national academy of Sciences. Britain is involved in extensive programmes run by the European Community to strengthen the technological basis of European industry and improve its competitiveness worldwide.

During the recent years there has been considerable expansion of scientific and technological training and research within universities. The young man graduating from a higher educational establishment must be trained to meet the demands of modern production, science, technology. He must be creative and capable of using the latest methods of scientific research and analysis.

Today a lot of students are engaged in various forms of scientific work. Due to research work students learn to work both individually and in cooperation with other scientists. The traditional method of scientific publication, in which results are written in papers and published in journals, is still the main means of communication among scientists.

III. Read the text and say whether research degrees conferred in Russia coincide with those conferred in Britain. Give your arguments.

Research degrees

It is possible to study for a research degree in a diverse range of subjects right across the university's academic portfolio.

University offers six research degrees:

Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil)/ Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)/ Master of Science (MSc)

Master of Professional Studies (MProf)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Doctor of Engineering (EngD)

Doctor of Professional Studies (DProf).

MPhil/MSc research extends existing knowledge or applies advanced knowledge to a new area (technology transfer).

MProf research and development is an alternative to an MPhil/MSc. A work-based option, it can be taken as a qualification in its own right or as a step for passing on to a DProf. It is open to professionals and managers.

EngD research is equivalent to a PhD. It is a specialist engineering doctorate for which collaboration with an external organisation is required.

DProf research and development is an alternative to a traditional PhD. A work-based option, it is open to senior professionals and managers.

All degrees involve an oral examination and presentation of a thesis - or a project in the case of MProf / DProf. Applications for research degrees can be made at any time of the year in the UK.

It is possible to register for BPhil and transfer to MPhil, or to register for MPhil and transfer to PhD. Subject to satisfactory progress, MPhil students usually transfer to PhD registration after the equivalent of one year of full-time study (from 18 months to two years for parttime students). BPhil students can transfer to MPhil registration after a shorter period, but again this is dependent on satisfactory progress. It is normal for all PhD candidates to register for an MPhil/PhD initially and to transfer to a PhD.

Research degrees (MPhil and PhD) by published works. An alternative route to a research degree is by presentation of published works. The candidate is required to write a context statement for the work - under appropriate academic supervision - and to sit an oral examination with internal and external examiners.

Higher doctorates. Higher doctorates (PhD, DSc, DTech) are awarded to people, who are leading authorities in their field, for work of high distinction that offers an original and significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge.

IV. Read the text and speak on the history of your University and the opportunities it provides for taking research degrees.


Graduate Studies in the Technical University of Kuzbass

The Russian Federation State Committee for Higher Education is the central body of federal executive power dealing with state regulation of higher education. Other branches of administration such as Ministry of Education, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Energy also have a role in the field of education.

The Technical University of Kuzbass, one of the oldest and largest higher schools in the region, was developed on the basis of Mining Institute founded in 1950 and renamed into Kuzbass Polytechnicс in 1965. In 1993 the Institute received the university status. It is a state type of institution. Such academic degrees as B.Sc., M.Sc., Eng.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. and diplomas are awarded by the University.

The University offers 10 two-year master and 29 three-year postgraduate programs. Main types of programs leading to the M.Sc. degree and engineer diploma include Surveying, Underground Mining, Concentration (обогащение) of Minerals, Building of Underground Structures and Mines, Open Pit Mining, Physical Processes of Mining and Gas Extraction, Underground Mining Technology, Open Pit Mining Technology, Industrial Power Supply, Mining Machines and Complexes, Automatics and Control of Engineering Systems, Civil Engineering, Geology, Environmental Protection, Labor Protection and Fire Safety, and some others. Mining is one of special areas of study which attracts many students. Graduate programs are to provide students with adequate level of knowledge (know-how), experience and skills, clear reasoning and problem-solving ability.

The first post-graduate degree is normally that of Master, conferred for a thesis based on two years full-time work. Academic year is divided into two 17-week semesters starting in September and February. The students are given an opportunity to promote cooperation between the University, research institutes and industrial enterprises and mines. Masters are provided with new teaching technology. They may interact with experts in engineering and science such as professors V.V. Kurehin, P.V. Egorov, A.S. Tashkinov, I.D. Bogomolov, G.I. Razgildeev, V.A. Hiamialiaynen, V.A. Shalamanov, V.N. Vylegzhanin, V.V. Pershin and some others who are nationally known for their research in mining and outstanding scientific achievements.


Graduates are to take advanced-level examinations in philosophy, a foreign language and a special subject. At the examination in their special field the graduates are to demonstrate understanding of principles and methods and their use in the area of interest. Examinations take place twice a year (in January and June).

Graduate students have individually planned programs, each one working under the guidance of his or her scientific adviser. Graduates are mostly busy with a research for their thesis in libraries, media centres, language centres and laboratories.

On completing the course every graduate submit his thesis. He is also required to forward a short abstract of his thesis comprising not more 300 words. At the sitting of the University Scientific Board a Master defends the dissertation and demonstrates mastery of the topic of study. If the thesis is satisfactory on all points, the candidate will be awarded the degree and will continue his work in the academic field.

Everywhere the degree of Doctor (Ph.D./ D.Sc.) is given for a thesis which is considered to be an origional contribution to knowledge.

V. Try to answer the questions.

1. Are you a postgraduate (a research student)? 2. When did you take your postgraduate course? 3. Have you passed all your examinations already? 4. When are you going to take your exam in English? 5. Who is your adviser (supervisor)? 6. Are you working at your thesis? 7. What part of your dissertation have you already completed? 8. Is the experimental part of your work completed? 9. Do you have any publications on the subject you are studying? 10. When are you supposed to defend your thesis? 11. What research degree are you going to take? 12. In what field do you do (carry on) your research? 13. Are you a theoretician or an experimentalist? 14. What problems do you investigate? 15. Do you study a new area of mining (surveying, concentration of minerals, construction of mines, open pit mining, industrial power supply, mining machinery and equipment, automatics and control of engineering systems, civil engineering, geology, environmental and labor protection)? 16. Do you carry on research individually or in a team? 17. What is the object of your research? 18. What methods do you use (employ) in your work? 19. What do you usually do when the experiment is over? 20. What do you do with the


data you obtain? 21. Is it difficult to analyze the results? 22. Can you say that the problem you studied is solved?

VI. Read the text and say:

a)which of the skills mentioned you have already mastered and which ones you are yet to master;

b)what you should do to master them.

American Graduate Students Can

Make independent decisions about the courses of study, research projects, etc.

Participate in classroom discussions (ask questions, share information with others).

Speak and write clearly in English.

Solve problems and think independently.

Demonstrate knowledge through a variety of types of tests or assignments.

Use scientific method as an approach to learning (less emphasis on memorization or intuition).

Be ready to be evaluated continuously.

Request assistance from instructors or advisers during or after class or during appointment hours (консультация).

Read required and suggested readings before class lectures and discussions.

Cite (цитировать) the ideas of others in writing thesis, dissertation or other papers.

Understand and remember ideas from class lectures and discussions (e.g. take notes, ask questions).

Develop own ideas, use evidence from the literature to support them.

VII. Speak on your carrying out research work. Use the words and expressions given below:

-to study (work) at the institute (laboratory, designing bureau, office, research organization);


-to be specializing in the field of...;

-to work at the problem (subject, theme) of…;

-to solve the problem of...;

-to work in a team (research unit)/to do independent research;

-to do theoretical (applied, experimental) research in ...;

-to be concerned with (to deal with) a theme (a subject, investigations, method, technique)...;

-to carry on a research in... (an investigation of..., an experiment on...);

-to use (employ, elaborate, work out) different/various methods (techniques);

-to obtain / to collect the data (the results);

-to make (draw) conclusions / to arrive at some conclusions /to come to some conclusions.







to go on (with smth.)

продолжать (делать что-либо)






награды; унив. отличие


включать (в себя)


контролировать, управлять, руководить


руководитель (научный)

a number of

ряд, несколько


система показателей, метрика


в настоящее время


автоматизированный, выполняемый с помощью




присоединять(ся), соединять(ся)



process industry

обрабатывающая промышленность




группа, бригада

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