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Oil & Gas Transport

The International energy market is dependent upon reliable transport. Transportation and storage in the oil and gas industry pertains to связана the movement of crude oil from the oil fields (where oil has been discovered) to refineries (where oil is further processed), to storage areas, where the petroleum products are stored for distribution and emergency reserves. The transportation and storage industry is a very complex system. In its raw state, crude oil is transported by two primary modes: tankers, which travel interregional water routes, and pipelines where most of the oil moves through for at least part of the route. Once the oil has been separated from natural gas, pipelines transport it to another carrier or directly to a refinery. Petroleum products often travel from the refinery to market across the water in tankers and barges. Improvements in the design of tankers have resulted in the development of versatile разноплановый carriers транспортных судов capable of transporting a wide array широкий спектр of bulk liquid cargoes.

The added requirements of the offshore oil industry, particularly the vessels providing services to this industry, have necessitated the use of tug/supply and tug/supply/anchor-handling vessels. On land oil products are moved by pipelines, tank trucks and railroad tank cars. Contrary to oil, natural gas is mostly transported by pipelines. This is because the vol-ume of natural gas, for the same amount of energy, is 600 times larger than oil. In addition to moving oil from production to distribution, the transportation and storage industry also plays a vital role in the system of global oil trade.

Pipelines are the most efficient means of transporting crude oil, hydrocarbon products, CO2, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas сжиженный нефтяной газ and other important fossil fuels - as well as raw materials and products - speedily, safely and smoothly. Tens of millions of tons of oil are transported every year by pipes.

Pipelines need to be constantly and reliably operated and monitored in order to ensure maximum operating efficiency производительность, safe transportation, minimal down times and to maintain environmental and quality standards.

In general, pipelines can be classified in three categories depending on purpose. Gathering pipelines collect products from sources, such as wells on land or offshore. These systems transport the product to storage, refinery or gas processing plant (such as treatment for gas подготовка газа or refining for petroleum). Gathering pipelines are a group of smaller interconnected pipelines forming complex networks. In this group pipelines are usually short – a couple of hundred meters – and with small diameters. Trunk (transportation, transmission) pipelines transport large quantities of liquids or natural gas over long distances. Transmission lines deliver crude oil to distant power plants, large industrial customers and to municipalities for further distribution. Distribution lines распределительный трубопровод are a part of natural gas systems. They are composed of several interconnected pipelines with small diameters and used to take the products to the final consumer.


Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land. Compared to shipping by railroad, they have lower cost per unit удельные затраты and higher capacity. Besides, pipeline systems are the safest means to move oil and gas. Although pipelines can be built under the sea (sub-sea pipeline), this process is economically and technically demanding затратный и технически сложный. As a result, transportation and storage represent a labyrinth of sophisticated processes that include rigorous inspections, stringent standards жёсткие стандарты of compliance, regulations нормативно-правовые акты generated from industry initiatives and government mandates государственные распоряжения требования for the design, construction and maintenance of pipelines, and the selection of qualified crew and personnel. There are a lot of specialists engaged in pipeline operation field: pipe-fitter, as-sembling-fitter монтажники, diagnostician специалист по диагностике, maintenance inspector инспектор по техническому обслуживанию, safety engineering, reliability inspector инспектор службы обеспечения надёжности and dispatcher-an employee responsible for scheduling movement соблюдение сроков поставки of oil and gas through pipelines. Moreover, safety, efficiency, tanker hull strength and pipeline integrity целостность трубопровода are critical concerns, particularly as they relate to environmental issues such as fires, oil spills, and oil leaks.

Pipelines can range up to 36 inches (92cm) in diameter and even larger, with some of the largest pipelines carrying more than one million barrels of oil daily. Pipelines cross all kinds of territories and in all parts of the world. They are connected using an electric arc-welding process. They are built to withstand large amounts of pressure of 1,000 pounds per square inch and heavy duty machines машины высокой мощности тяжелая техника are responsible for fitting them within the contours necessary for their laying in all types of terrain. Strategic planning involves determining the shortest and most economical routes where they are built, the number of pumping stations and natural gas compression stations along the line. Stocks are needed to keep the global supply system operating and therefore are keys to the right products being delivered to the right location at the right time.

Ex.1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following:

Коллекторные трубопроводы представляют собой группу взаимосвязанных нефтепро-водов, которые образуют сложную трубо-проводную сеть Gathering pipelines are a group of smaller interconnected pipelines forming complex networks.

В перевозках на шельфе используются су-да типа буксиров tag-type carriers are used in ofshore transportation

Лабиринт комплексных процессов, включа-ющий в себя строгие стандарты соответ-ствия a labyrinth of sophisticated processes that include stringent standards of compliance

Квалифицированные специалисты отве-чают за планирование движения нефти и газа по трубопроводу dispatcher an employee responsible for scheduling movement of oil and gas through pipelines

Угрозы окружающей среде, такие, как по-жар и утечка нефти environmental issues such as fires, oil spills, and oil leaks

Некоторые крупные нефтепроводы пропус-кают более одного миллиона баррелей нефти ежедневно

Танкеры и баржи перевозят нефть по меж-региональным водным путям

Стратегическое планирование подразуме-вает определение кратчайших и наиболее экономных путей

Трубопроводы могут варьироваться до 36 Pipelines can range up to 36 inches

дюймов в диаметре

По земле нефтепродукты перевозят с по-мощью трубопроводов, авто- и железнодо-рожных цистерн

Ex.2. Translate the following into Russian:

 Pipes are connected through the electric arc-welding process

 New requirements necessitated повлекли за собой необходимость the use of tug/supply and tug/supply/anchor-handling vessels

 Heavy duty machines ensure fitting pipes within the contours

 Versatile carriers capable of transporting bulk liquid cargoes

 The most efficient means of transporting crude oil, hydrocarbon products, CO2, natural gas, liquid petroleum gas and other fossil fuels

 Compared to shipping by railroad, pipes have lower cost per unit and higher capacity

 The most economical routes include the number of pumping stations and natural gas compression stations along the line

 Stocks are keys to the right products being delivered to the right location at the right time

 Constantly operated and reliably monitored надёжно контролируемый

 Transmission lines транспортирующий (магистральный) трубопровод deliver crude oil to distant power plants, large industrial customers and municipalities сельское или городское поселение for further distribution

 Building pipelines under the sea is economically and technically demanding трудный жёсткий трудоёмкий

 Industry initiatives and government mandates for the design, construction and mainte-nance of pipelines

Ex.3. Translate the following into English:

Нефтяные запасы обеспечивают беспе-ребойную работу smooth (uninterrupted) operation глобальной сети энер-госнабжения of global power network

Дополнительные требования к нефтега-зовой промышленности на шельфе обу-словили

Трубопроводы классифицируются по трем основным категориям в зависимо-сти от их назначения

Наиболее экономичный путь транспорти-ровки нефти, очищенных нефтепродук-тов и природного газа в больших количе-ствах

Эффективность эксплуатации, надежная транспортировка и минимальные про-стои downtime

Коллекторные трубопроводы получают нефть из нефтяных скважин на земле и на шельфе.

Трубопроводы должны строго соответ-ствовать контурам для обеспечения их пролегания по всем видам местности

Распределительные трубопроводы со-стоят из нескольких взаимосвязанных трубопроводов сравнительно малых диаметров

Магистральные трубопроводы транспор-тируют большие объемы жидких нефте-продуктов и природного газа на большие расстояния

Ex.4. Pick out from the text the synonyms of the following words.

to refer

oil processing factory


to observe standards

associated with

to resist pressure

to include


Ex. 5. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1) Reliable transport is a key for…

2) Crude oil is transported by two primary modes:

3) Petroleum products travel from the refinery to market across the water in…

4) On land oil products are moved by…

5) Gathering pipelines collect products from sources, such as…

6) Pipelines can be built under the sea, however…

7) Pipelines are constantly and reliably monitored in order to...

Ex. 6. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1) Crude oil is moved from the fields to refineries and to storage areas.

2) Modern pipelines transport crude oil directly to the refinery without separation the latter from natural gas.

3) Distribution lines are composed of several interconnected pipelines and used to take products to the final consumer.

4) Pipelines cannot cross all kinds of territories in all parts of the world.

5) Pipelines are the safest and fastest way of oil transportation.

6) Trunk pipelines deliver oil to distant power plants, large industrial customers and municipalities.

Ex.7. Answer the following questions.

1) How is crude oil transported?

2) What purpose do the transmission lines serve?

3) How are transportation and storage processes regulated?

4) What is the maximum amount of oil transported by pipes throughout the year?

5) What does strategic planning in oil transportation involve?

6) Why are pipelines likely to be the main means of oil transportation?

7) Why are issues such as safety, efficiency and pipeline integrity important?

Ex.8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) При одинаковом количестве производимой энергии объем природного газа в 600 раз превышает объем нефти.

2) Посредством магистральных трубопроводов нефть поставляется отдалённым электростанциям, промышленным комплексам и муниципалитетам для дальнейшего распределения.

3) Танкеры улучшенных конструкций перевозят широкий спектр различных жид-ких грузов.

4) Транспортировка и хранение нефтепродуктов производятся согласно строгим инструкциям, стандартам соответствия, отраслевым и правительственным предписани-ям.

5) Регулярная и надежная эксплуатация и контроль эксплуатационного процесса необходимы для обеспечения максимальной эффективности трубопроводов и соблю-дения стандартов качества и охраны окружающей среды.

6) Трубопроводы обеспечивают быструю, надежную и бесперебойную транспор-тировку сырой нефти, жидких нефтепродуктов, углекислого и природного газа и сырье-вых материалов.

7) Трубы рассчитаны на высокие нагрузки давления - до 1,000 фунтов на квадратный дюйм.

Ex. 9. Speak on the following topics:

1) Main types of transportation and storage of oil and oil products.

2) Main characteristics of pipelines.

3) The safety of pipelines operation and how it is ensured.

4) The personnel working in the pipeline operation field.

Ex.10. Match English and Russian equivalents:

1.Машинист-краноукладчик 19

-1. Assembler

27. 2.Машинист пневматической установки 5

-2. Erector

28. 3.Машинист установки по продавливанию и горизонтальному бурению грунта 4

-3. Excavator operator

29. 4.Машинист экскаватора 3

-4. Pipe jacking/microtunneling operator

30. 5.Монтажник ( при сооружении трубопровода) 6

-5. Compressed air system operator

31. 6.Монтажник ( при эксплуатации трубопровода)

-6. Industrial pipelines erector (installer)

32. 7.Монтажник оборудования 1предприятий нефтяной промышленности

-7. Erector of technological equipment

33. 8.Монтажник технологических трубопроводов 7

-8. Motor mechanic

34. 9.Моторист (машинист) 8

-9. Slinger

35. 10. Стропальщик (при сооружении трубо-провода) 9

-10. Rigger

36. 11. Стропальщик (при эксплуатации

-11. Pipelayer operator

трубопровода) 10

12. Сварщик-оператор 16

-12. The non-destructive testing inspector by magnetic and ultrasonic control

38. 13. Машинист трубоукладчика 11

-13. Insulation worker

39. 14. Наладчик приборов, аппаратуры и систем автоматического контроля, регу-лирования и управления (наладчик КИП и автоматики) 18

-14. Inspector of quality of oil and oil products

40. 15. Дефектоскопист по магнитному и ультразвуковому контролю 12

-15. Inspector of technological process

16. Контролер по качеству нефти и нефтепродуктов 14

-16. Welding operator

17. Изолировщик 13

-17. Engine driver of gas turbines

18. Контролер технологического процесса 15

-18. C&I adjuster

19. Машинист береговых наносных стан-ций 20

-19. Driver-crane operator

20. Машинист газотурбинных установок 17

-20. Engine driver of offshore pumping stations

21. Монтер по защите подземных трубо-проводов от коррозии 21

-21. Fitter for the protection of underground pipelines from corrosion

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