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VI. Learn the following models and the information about the Complex

Subject and the Complex Object.

Model: 1. A jack is considered to be the simplest load lifting appliance.

A jackto be- cложное подлежащее (Complex Subject) – состоит из существительного или местоимения в именительном падеже и инфинитива, разделенных глаголом-характеристикой часто в страдательном залоге. Complex Subject употребляется со следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге: know – знать, consider – считать, believe – полагать, state – утверждать, think- думать, show – показывать, prove – доказывать. В активном залоге с наречиями: likely – вероятно, unlikely – маловероятно, с глаголами appear, proved – оказываться и т.д. На русский язык переводится следующим образом: а) переводим глагол-характеристику неопределенно-личной формой (известно, считают, полагают и т.д.); б) вводим союз «что»; в) переводим подлежащее именительным падежом и согласуем его с инфинитивом).

Считают, что домкрат является простейшим грузоподъемным приспособлением.

Model 2. We know self-powered jib crane to be used for loading trucks.

Self-powered jib crane to be used - cложное дополнение (Complex Object) – состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) и инфинитива. Употребляется с глаголами: consider, allow – допускать, suppose – предполагать, find – находить и т.д. На русский язык переводится придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами « что» , «чтобы».

Мы знаем, что самоходные краны с поворотной стрелой используются для загрузки грузовиков.

VII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Complex Subject and the Complex Object.

1.We know tower cranes to be widely used in construction.

2. We believe winches to be extensively employed in construction industry.

3. Brakes are considered to be the most important mechanisms in the car.

4. We know crawler tracks to be used in tractors, power shovels and certain types of road-making machines.

5. The principal mechanisms of modern trucks are proved to have a very similar design and layout.

6. The power train of a truck is known to be the combination of mechanisms for transmitting the torque to the driving wheels.

7. We consider most braking systems to be hydraulic.

8. The frame is considered to be the structural center of some vehicles.

9. The first vehicle is known to be built by a Russian inventor.

10. Tower cranes are known to be classified into two main groups.

11. Tractors are considered to be widely used not only in agriculture but also in industry.

12. Internal combustion engines are proved to be the principal power installations.

VIII. Read and translate the following text.


We know self-powered jib cranes to be extensively used in construction. They raise structural elements during assembly and erection, load and unload trucks, railway cars and ships, and are used in the storages of construction materials and products. When coupled with a grab bucket cranes handle various loose materials - sand, gravel, stone - and load materials excavated in small quarries.

Self-powered jib cranes are classified primarily by the type of drive. There are railway and trackless (crawler – or wheel-mounted) cranes. Wheel-mounted cranes (trackless) are mounted on their own chassis or on a truck chassis.

Moreover, cranes can be classified:

a) by the power source: with an internal combustion engine or with a diesel electric power plant;

b) by the mode of power transmission: with mechanical transmission, with electric motors driving various mechanisms or with a hydraulic drive;

c) by the load-carrying capacity: 6.5, 10, 16, 25, 40, 100 and 160 tons.

Cranes handling a load of 6.3 to 10 tons are intended for load transfer while 16 to 160-ton cranes are designed for erection work. The running gear of crawler-mounted cranes consists of a frame and two caterpillar tracks.

Construction power shovels can be made into crawler cranes by attaching special equipment, a boom with a hook or with a grab bucket.

It should be noted that crawler cranes can operate without outriggers and move easily off the road. Due to this ability they are widely used in various branches of construction.

Air-tyred cranes with a capacity of 40 tons can travel much faster than crawler-mounted cranes and have a better stability as compared with truck-mounted cranes. Air-tyred and truck-mounted cranes are provided with outriggers which increase the bearing surface of the crane. Without outriggers the lifting capacity of the crane drops sharply.

Truck-mounted cranes are powered by an engine mounted on the turntable while the running gear is driven by a separate motor. For traveling the crane is operated by the truck engine from the driver`s cab, and for load handling by the motor mounted on the turntable.

Crawler and air-tyred cranes are driven by an engine mounted on the turntable.

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