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Пособия / english-for-builders-and-architects

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b)Find English equivalents to the expressions in bold given in the texts.

c)In a paragraph of 120-–150 words, and using the expressions from Appendix 2 and your own words as far as possible, summarize and render in English what is said about natural quartzite.

17 Translate into Russian without a dictionary:

a)1. Натуральным камнем называют все горные породы, используемые используемые в строительстве, такие как мрамор, гранит, туф, сланец, песчаник, ракушечник и оникс.

b)2. Природный камень износостоек, морозоустойчив и почти не впитывает влагу.

c)3. Мраморные камины и лестницы сегодня являются отличным решением для того чтобы устроить красоту и роскошь в своем доме.

d)4. Элементы из малинового кварцита использовались при отделке только самых красивых и значительных зданий Российской империи – таких, как Зимний Дворец, Исаакиевский и Казанский Соборы, Михайловский Замок, Московский Кремль.

e)5. Базальт Базальт используют как сырье для щебня, производства производства базальтового волокна базальтового волокна (для производства теплозвукоизоляционных материалов), каменного литья и кислотоупорного порошка, а также в качестве наполнителя для бетона.


18 a) Read the text and express its main idea in 3-–4 sentences:

Stone cladding is a thin layer of stone applied to a building or other structure made of a material other than stone. Stone cladding is sometimes applied to concrete and steel buildings as part of their original architectural design.

Stone cladding often refers to lightweight simulated stone products with a concrete type base. These stone cladding products are often fitted to light weight substrates to reduce the material cost of construction.


A lightweight substrate would typically be a timber stud frame, it would then have a waterproof barrier attached, then fibre cement sheet, expanded metal mesh, a mortar scratch coat, and then using a mortar mix, the stone cladding would be adhered to the wall.

Pouring concrete into stone cladding molds allows you to create panels that look like real stone masonry. You can buy these molds from a number of suppliers, or you can make your own, using a pourable mold-making compound. Making your own cladding molds can be cost-effective, because you need to cast several panels even to cover a small wall, and each panel takes three days to fully cure. So the more molds you have, the faster you can produce the panels you need.

b) Read the instruction how to make a stone cladding. But the phases are messed up. Arrange them into correct order:

Things You’ll Need:Masonry stones

Board, 6 inches wide by 12 feet longPlywood sheet, 2 feet by 4 feet






Spray polyurethane sealant

Pourable 2-part urethane mold-making compoundMixing bucket and stick

a)Allow the urethane to cure for 48 hours.

b)Pour the mold compound over the stones in the box. The compound should cover the stones to a depth of at least one inch. If you have not mixed enough, immediately mix more; you have about 30 minutes to add additional compound before it begins to set.

c)Arrange the stones in the bottom of the box, facing up, the way you would want to see them in the cast duplicates. Place them about as far apart as you intend to install them on the wall. Leave a oneinch margin between the outside edge of the group of stones and the wall of the pour box. Seal the stones with the spray sealer.

d)Build a pour box. Cut the board into two, four-foot lengths and two, two-foot lengths. Nail them together to form a twoby 4-foot frame that is six inches deep. Nail the plywood over one side of this


frame. Seal the inside of the box with polyurethane spray sealer.

e)Wait an additional five to seven days before using the mold to make casts; this will allow the urethane to reach its full strength.

f)Mix equal amounts of both parts of the urethane molding compound in a clean bucket. Mix enough to cover the stones in the box to a depth of at least one inch. Stir thoroughly until the mixture color becomes.

g)Invert the pour box and shake slightly to allow the urethane mold and the stones to drop out of the box. Remove the stones and wash any residue from the mold.

c)с) Talk about stone cladding.

19 Read the text. Make up a dialogue based on the text using the expressions from Appendix 1:


When comparing manmade cast stone products to quarried stone, three factors need to be taken into consideration: Time, Cost and Durability.

When making cut stone parts with intricate design work, such as a Corinthian capital, the same amount of time is involved in reproducing each individual part.

When using cast stone, once the original design work is complete on the first stone produced, the time is dramatically reduced on all following cast stones produced. Because of the speed and ease of producing additional pieces, the cost is substantially lower as well.

Cast stone is more durable than natural limestone due to the process by which it is produced. By hand-forging each part, casted stone gains strength and durability without the air pockets that are common in natural stone.

20 Topics for projects and presentations:

1.Stone masonry constructions.

2.Interior stone.

3.Exterior stone.

4.Engineered stone.

5.Architectural cast stone.


Word List to Unit 6

stone cladding

облицовочный камень

rock, n

горная порода

marble, n


granite, n


cast stone

бетонный камень

exterior finish

наружная отделка (здания)

strength factor

коэффициент прочности

heat insulation material


earth’s crust

земная кора

igneous rock

вулканические породы; изверженные породы

metamorphic rock

метаморфическая порода

sedimentary rock

осадочная горная порода

solidification, n

застывание, отвердевание, затвердевание

molten core

расплавленное ядро

occur, v

происходить, случаться

pumice, n

пемза, пористый вулканический материал

fine-grained, adj


dolerite, n

долерит, крупнозернистый базальт

annealing, n


fleck, v

покрывать пятнами

erosion, n

эрозия, выветривание; разъедание; размывание

bedding plane

плоскость подстила, плоскость напластования

deposit, n

отложение, осадок

sill, n


string course

перевязка каменной кладки, поясок

calcareous sandstone

известковый песчаник

siliceous sand

кремнистый песок

ferruginous sandstone

песчаник, содержащий железо

dolomitic sandstone

доломитовый песчаник

accumulation, n


fossilised shells

затвердевшие раковины

slate, n

аспидный сланец

sediment, n


riven, adj


fossil, n


mica, n


cleavage plane

плоскость скалывания, плоскость скола

ochre, n

охра (вид краски, бледно-желтый цвет)

laminar, adj

слоистый; пластинчатый



stacking clay

глина, уложенная слоями

foliated stone

слоистый камень

cleavage, n

расщепление, раскалывание

paving, n

мостовая; мощение улиц

customizable, adj

удовлетворяющий требованиям заказчика

blue stone

медный купорос

precast concrete

сборный железобетон

translucent, adj

прозрачный; просвечивающий; светопрозрачный

acid, n


slab, n


copper, n n


intrusive rock

интрузивная порода

porphyry, n


chemistry, n


mineralogy, n


hornfels роговиковая

роговиковая горная порода

kerb, n


lightweight substrate

легкая основа


арматурная сетка

scratch coat

обрызг (первый слой трехслойной штукатурки по


драни или сетке)


“Color theory provides a framework for understanding the behavior and meaning of colors.” Matthew Frederick (architect)

Unit 7



Figure 7.1. Varnishes and Paints


a)1 Match the terms with definitions:

1. paint


a commercially produced substance for colouring

2. colour


a substance used for removing an unwanted stain,


mark, or coating from a surface

3. varnish


a substance used to give something a particular



4. wood


a coloured substance which is spread over a surface


and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective



5. remover


resin dissolved in a liquid for applying on wood,


metal, or other materials to form a hard, clear, shiny


surface when dry

2 Read the following passages and offer your ideas to complete them:

A wood stain can enhance the natural beauty of any wood species, from hardwoods to soft and porous woods like cedar or redwood. There is a perfect stain for every project, but using the wrongwood stain will have upsetting results that isn’t easy to fix later …


Appropriate interior paint colors can revitalize every surface of your home, from the walls and ceilings to the doors, paneling, and trim. Thousands of combinations are available …

Clear wood finishes are both beautiful and tuff, providing a high degree of chemical and abrasion resistance. All act as a wood sealer, protecting the wood fibres from water and cleaning chemicals. They can be applied to …

3 Discuss the following:


Black and white

Grass is always greener on the other side






Write a paraphrase of each idiom.

Say whether you

agree or


not, and why.





4 a) Transcribe the following words:

varnishes, specification, ceiling, exposure, oxidize, vinyl, hydrocarbon, ester, barite, zinc, copper naphthenate, dichlorofluanid, tribiborate, hexylene, glycol, octaborate, tetrahydrate, ultraviolet, polyurethane, beeswax, larch.

b) In what context do you think the following words and phrases will

appear in the text?




•color system

•1950 colors

•six pure colors

•blend of

components •paint film •solidify by drying •pigments



•penetrate •protection from weathering


c)с ) Read the text and check your answers:


Colour being a key feature of architectural design is an important factor in the description of paints, wood stains and varnishes.

The Natural Color System®© (NCS) was developed by the Scandinavian Colour Institute in the 1980s and modified in 1995 with a second edition in which extra colours were added and some removed


leaving a total of 1950 colours. It is a colour language system which can describe any colour by a notation, communicable in words without the need for visual matching. It has been used by architects, builders and designers who need to coordinate colour specification across a broad range of building products. A range of materials can be colour-referenced using the system; these include wall, floor and ceiling tiles, carpets, fabrics, wall coverings, flexible floor finishes, paints, architectural ironmongery and metalwork, sanitary fittings, laminates and furniture.

The Natural Color System®© is based on the assumption that for people with normal vision there are six pure colours; yellow, red, blue, green, white and black. The four colours, yellow, red, blue and green are arranged around the colour circle, which is then subdivided into 10 % steps. For example, yellow changes to red through orange, which could be described as Y50R (yellow with 50 % red) (Fig. 7.2).


Figure 7.2. Natural Color System

Figure 7. 2 Natural Color System

Colour being a key feature of architectural design is an important factor in the description of paints, wood stains and varnishes.

The Natural Color System®© (NCS) was developed by the Scandinavian Colour Institute in the 1980s and modified in 1995 with a second edition in which extra colours were added and some removed leaving a total of 1950 colours. It is a colour language system which can describe any colour by a notation, communicable in words without the need for visual matching. It has been used by architects, builders and designers who need to coordinate colour specification across a broad range of building products. A range of materials can be colour-referenced using the system; these include wall, floor and ceiling tiles, carpets, fabrics, wall coverings, flexible floor finishes, paints, architectural ironmongery and metalwork, sanitary fittings, laminates and furniture.

The Natural Color System®© is based on the assumption that for people with normal vision there are six pure colours; yellow, red, blue, green, white and black. The four colours, yellow, red, blue and green are arranged around the colour circle, which is then subdivided into 10% steps. For example, yellow changes to red through orange, which could be described as Y50R (yellow with 50% red) (Fig. 7.2).

Paints consist of a blend of components, each with their specific function. Commonly, these include the binder (or medium), solvent,


base, extenders, pigments and driers, although other additives may be incorporated into specialist paints.

The binder is solidified to produce the paint film. Traditionally, the binder was natural linseed oil, which set by gradual oxidation on exposure to air. However, linseed oil has now largely been replaced by alkyd resins which oxidise in air, or vinyl and acrylic resins which solidify by drying. To ensure adequate fluidity of the paint during application by brushing or spraying, either water or organic solvents (hydrocarbons, ketones or esters) are incorporated; paint thinners have the same effect. The base material, usually white titanium dioxide, produces the required opacity, although the body of the paint may be increased by the incorporation of inert extenders such as silica, calcium carbonate, china clay or barytes. Colouring materials are frequently a mixture of organic and inorganic dyes and pigments. Driers which induce the polymerization of the binder ensure a rapid drying process.

Natural wood finishes include wood stains, varnishes and oils. Wood stains are pigmented resin solutions which penetrate into the surface and may then build up a sheen finish. Varnishes are unpigmented resin solutions which are intended to create a surface film.

Most wood stain systems for exterior use include a wateror solvent-based preservative basecoat which controls rot and mould growth. Typical formulations include zinc or copper naphthenate, dichlorofluanid, tri-(hexylene glycol) biborate and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate. Wood stain finishes are either low-, mediumor high-build systems, according to the particular application. They usually contain iron oxide pigments to absorb the ultraviolet light which otherwise causes the surface degradation of unprotected timber. Generally, for rough-sawn timber, deeply penetrating wood stains are appropriate, whereas for smooth-planed timber a medium or high - – build system gives the best protection from weathering. Products are based on acrylic and/or alkyd resins.

Traditional varnishes are combinations of resins and drying oils, but most products are now based on modified alkyd resins. Polyurethane varnishes are available in matt, satin or gloss finishes, based on either water or solvent-based systems.

Wood finishes entirely composed of natural products are also available. These are based on blends of beeswax, larch resin,