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Пособия / english-for-builders-and-architects

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“Traditional buildings have thick exterior walls. Modern buildings have thin walls.” Matthew Frederick (architect)

Unit 10


10.1.Types of Walls

1Explain how the following words are connected with “walls”: internal, external, load-bearing, non-load-bearing, cladding,

separation, sound insulation.

2 Match information to the pictures:

1.It is a series of stone and earthen fortifications built originally to protect the northern borders of the Empire.All the walls measure 8,851.8 km. This is made up of 6,259.6 km sections of actual wall, 359.7 km of trenches and 2,232.5 km of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers.

2.Known also as the Western Wall, it is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount. It has been a site for Jewish prayer and pilgrimage for centuries.

3.It is a defensive wall that surrounds the Kremlin, recognizable by the characteristic notches and its towers. The original walls were likely a simple wooden fence with guard towers built in 1156.

4.It was a barrier constructed in 1961 that completely separated the country. The barrier included guard towers placed along large concrete walls, which circumscribed a wide area (later known as the "“death strip") ”) that contained anti-vehicle trenches, "“fakir beds"

and other defenses. The fall of the Wall paved the way for country reunification, which was formally concluded on 3 October 1990.


5.The wall is in Prague, Czech Republic. Once a normal wall, since the 1980s it has been filled with graffiti and pieces of lyrics from Beatles songs. Today, the wall represents a symbol of youth ideals such as love and peace.

6.It was a defensive wall first built by the Romans around Londinium, their strategically important port town on the River Thames. Until the later Middle Ages the wall defined the boundaries of the City. Today all that remains of the wall are a few fragments, some of which can be seen in the grounds of the Museum of London, in the Barbican Estate and around Tower Hill.

a) The Kremlin

b) The Great Wall

c) The Berlin







d) The Lennon Walla)

e) London Wallb) The

f) The Wailing Wallc) The

The Kremlin Wall

Great Wall of China

Berlin Wall


d) The Lennon Wall

e) London Wall

f) The Wailing Wall

3 Discuss the following:










To preserve friendship, one must build walls.



Even walls may have ears.






















Write a paraphrase.


Say whether you

agree or not, and why.





4 a) Transcribe the following words:

areas, characteristics, strength, thermal, durability, domestic, corrugated, insulation, reasonable, majority.

b) In what context do you think the following words and phrases will appear in the text?

•enclose and separate •external and internal •weather resistance •thermal properties •fire-resistance •load-bearing/non-load-bearing •domestic •cladding sheets •separation •sound insulation

c)с) Read the text and check your answers:


Walls are constructed to enclose areas and to separate the spaces inside and outside a building. Walls can be external and internal.

External walls should have the following characteristics:

1)strength to resist being crushed by the loads from floors and roofs;

2)stability to resist other forces such as wind pressure and roof loads;

3)weather resistance to keep out wind and rain;

4)thermal properties to keep the interior cool in hot weather and retain warmth in cool weather;


6)fire-resistance to provide security and stability in the event of fire;

7)openings for daylight and ventilation;

8)good construction and use of materials.

External walls can be divided into the load-bearing external walls

and non-load-bearing external walls.

Load-bearing external walls (Fig. 10.2) are normally used for domestic buildings or other small structures that are one or two storeys high. The weight of the roof and any upper floors is supported by load-bearing masonry of brick, block or stone construction.


Figure 10.2 Load-bearing external

Figure 10.3 Non-load-bearing external



Figure 10.2. Load-bearing external walls

Non-load-bearing external walls (Fig. 10.3) are often built from corrugated sheet cladding that is attached to a framework of timber or steel rails and column. The cladding sheets do not support the structure of the building. Support is provided by the framework. The cladding sheets must be wind-resistant.


Figure 10.3. Non-load-bearing external walls

Internal walls should have the following characteristics:

1)positions that provide separation between rooms;

2)soundinsulation that provides a reasonable level of noise control between adjoining rooms;

3)stability to resist normal impact and to support fixtures and fitting;

4)fire-resistance to prevent the rapid spread of fire to adjoining rooms.

Internal walls can be divided into the load-bearing internal walls and non-load-bearing internal walls (Fig. 10.4).


Figure 10.4. Load-bearing and non-load-bearing internal walls

Internal walls are load-bearing if additional support is needed for the roof or floors. These walls will need to be strong and stable. They usually stand on concrete foundation.

Non-load-bearing internal walls divide the internal space in buildings and stand independently of the main structure. The majority of internal walls are in this category.

55 Read the text again and answer the questions that follow (1-–7):

1.What characteristics of external walls can you offer?

2.How can you classify external walls?

3.What is the function of load-bearing external walls?

4.What is the role of sheet cladding in non-load-bearing external walls?

5.What are the characteristics of internal walls?

6.What have you learnt about internal load-bearing walls?

7.What types of walls divide the internal space in buildings?


6 a) Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:


principle features, to withstand, not allow to, thermic qualities, to hold warm temperature, small buildings, brickwork, plating, to be ensured, acceptable rate of sound control, to obviate fast spreading, adjacent space, extra bearer/ bearing.

b)Explain the words in bold from the text and make up sentences of your own. Use English-English dictionaries to help you.

7 Give the English equivalents to the following and use 5 of them in small situations:

делить площади/пространство; несущий; сопротивляться силам; тепловые свойства; обеспечивать безопасность и прочность; жилое здание; кирпичная кладка; блочная конструкция; каменная конструкция; прикрепляться к деревянному каркасу; звукоизоляция; допустимый уровень шума; арматура и фитинги; предотвратить быстрое распространение огня; дополнительная опора для крыши; бетонное основание.

8 Ask questions to the following:

1.Non-load-bearing external walls are often built from corrugated sheet cladding. (5)

2.Sound insulation provides a reasonable level of noise control between adjoining rooms. (5)

3.External walls should have fire-resistance to provide security and stability in the event of fire. (4)

4.Load-bearing internal walls usually stand on concrete foundation.


5.Non-load-bearing internal walls divide the internal space in buildings. (4)


9 Fill in the gaps with derivatives of the words in capitals:







Part I








_____ methods


locally available



materials and

techniques that


economical and




) _____

sound. Many different types of material


















available, but the two main 3) _____ for building


materials are stability and durability.



The tree most common materials for external walls





4) _____ stone, bricks, cement-based blocks.



Cement-based blocks should be 5) _____in detail.



They are manufactured from a 6) _____



ingredients. The cement binds the aggregate that forms


the bulk of the block into a firm 7) _____ material. The


strength and 8) _____ of the block depends on the type


of aggregate used with the cement.



Blocks consist of natural materials that are 9) _____


and cured such as:



1. sand (sandcrete (Portland cement and sand in a


ratio of circa 1:8)). The sand is mixed with the cement in


1:4 or 1:6 proportions;



2. stone (concrete). The 10) ______ blocks are made


from a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone.



10 Use the words bellow to complete the sentences:


The external wall of a building provides weather 1) _____ and must be durable and fire resistant even if it is not built from loadbearing materials such as brick, block and stone. Corrugated iron sheet or timber 2) _____ is classified as non-load bearing.

Iron sheets must be supported on a 3) _____ with columns that transfer the building loads and wind pressure from the structure to the foundation. The columns transfer point loads to the foundation, unlike the evenly distributed 4) _____ transferred by the load-bearing wall to strip foundations.

Corrugated 5) _____ sheets have disadvantages as a building material for external walls for housing:

1.very poor thermal insulation;

2.very poor 6) _____ insulation;

3.they are difficult to decorate internally because they require an internal lining to attach fixtures and fittings;


4.the general appearance does not look as homely as conventional materials.

Timber cladding is the other material used for non-load-bearing external walls. The structural framework consists of a timber roof supported by timber columns on a 7) _____ foundation. Lightweight prefabricated timber wall frames are secured to the timber 8) _____.

Timber cladding usually consists of plywood, chipboard or hardboard panels. They are nailed or 9) _____ to the framework so that the heads of the nails or screws are below the surface of the board. The holes should be 10) _____ so that the surface of the board is even.

cladding, loads, filled, columns, resistance, screwed, framework, iron, sound, raft

1111 a) Match the parts of arch and words given:

rise; abutment; keystone; back/extrados; clear span, "“Bay"; ”; voussoir; intrados; impost.

b) Match the terms with their definitions:

1) abutment

a) ) the horizontal distance between supporting pillars,


columns, or walls, being the maximum possible distance


clear of obstacles

2) back/

b) ) the vertical distance between the springing line of the


arch and the curve of the intrados

3) clear span

c) ) the uppermost part of a column or pillar supporting an



4) impost

d) ) the central stone or brick at the top of the arch, which