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Welcome to volume one the FACTs of how the S.E.G. was invented. Professor John Roy Robert Searl own words about his life and work.

Most of his success was by accident, by being in the right place at the right time. Pages 1 to 206.







Document for the introduction

Mathematics used in the S.E.G.

Volume one

Requirements under international Law

Approved by Secretary General.

And published under his authority.

First Edition – 2015


Page 1©

Serial NO: 00001




Please note that these books are fully copyright protected.

They are filed at the:

Legal Deposit Office: the British Library: Boston Spa: Wetherby: West Yorkshire LS23 7BY. Tel: 0937 546268. ENGLAND.

Also at the libraries of the:

Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

The National Library of Scotland.

The Library of Trinity College, Dublin.

And the National Library of Wales.

This also includes the book of John Thomas.

The music written for me: by Barry Stroller is also protected.

This notice is to inform you that no part thereof can be reproduced without authority in writing from Professor Searl to do so.

Professor John Roy Robert Searl.

Searl agrees that everything conceived by man is impossible until someone say it is possible, and only then is the impossible made possible. The S.E.G. Searl agree has taken centuries to reach the possibility to manufacture it, which is the task of Searl Global Technologies to organize where to mass produce it and how to mass produce it, there are a number of legal units being set up for that task, the main part should be done in San Diego, California, USA. Sorry China that your legal side has failed to be completed so far to date. Still another legal paper: to get sign. What in Holland again.

2015: If Tony Blair was now Prime Minister of UK; would he now support full mass production of the SEG?

If we gave an SEG to Tony Blaire he could keep his promise in cleaning up the air – Searl wonder if he would?

Problem, the SEG does not produce much money in taxes –that is just one problem, but a large one.

Acting Sectary General: to the above name company.

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This certificate is proof that Searl Aerospace is a legal company and is conforming within the legal laws of the said State. I, Professor John Roy Robert Searl, hereby hold the position of Secretary General, to see that this company operates within the laws of this State; thereby continue to hold good standing within the said State. I shall try to get industry back on its feet within the USA in mass production of this power unit.

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We are here to stay.

Professor John Roy Robert Searl: Author Reg: 1 898827: acting as Sectary General for Searl Global Technologies group of divisions. We are a Legal company operating under legal rules at all times.

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I, Professor John Roy Robert Searl, of British Birth, hereby declare under oath, that the recent video release by Russell Anderson is no more than a con, using my name, technology and information and illustration without my consent. As from February 8th 2014 at 2200 hours G.M.T. Kirk Miller resigned from the consortium, on the grounds that he would not work with Fernando Morris, Thereby he lost all rights for a period of ten years; to use any knowledge he has gained from being involved with the consortium research and development program. This also applies to Bradley Lockerman, Kirk Miller, Philip Talbert, Russell Anderson, and John Thomas Jr. The video contain statements which they know are untrue, as being true.

It is my duty to the public; as acting Secretary General for the Searl Consortium to inform all of these offenses, which has taken place; that these videos are a con to rob the public of money. This information has been authorized by Professor John Roy Robert Searl: rightful owner of the technology and the inventor of the concept. At this present time Searl cannot confirm that Bruce Parsons was involved in this event or the takeover of SMI.

1957 – 1958: Geologist Vivian Fuchs (England): makes the first overland crossing of Antarctica. Searl was then 25 years old.

1958: The first submarine passes under the North Pole, USS NAUTILUS. Searl was just 26 years old, and he admits was excited by the news of that time. Searl work on the S.E.G. was in theory gathering pace as scientists added more information upon the subject as they witness it from lectures and demonstrations given by Searl. These are the FACTS of Searl time. Searl is interested to understand what are the FACTS of your time? Were you excited about what achievements were being made in both technology and science?

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Thomson Snell & Passmore

Thomson Snell & Passmore

3 Lonsdale Gardens

Tunbridge Wells

Kent TN1 1NX

Professor J R R Searl

5 Guilfoyle

Broadhead Strand

Grahame Park Estate



Dear Professor Searl

Dispute with Bradley Lockerman (re: Filming)


01892 510000





3914 Tunbridge Wells 1

Direct Tel:

01892 701357


Direct Fax:

01892 701127




Your Ref:




Our Ref:



24 July 2007







Professor Searl




charge Bradley














I am writing to confirm receipt of your letter addressed to Nicky Androsov of 19th July setting out your dealings with Mr. Lockerman in 1996. As I understand it, Mr. Lockerman contacted you and on 31st June 1996, he presented a document for you to sign which he now alleges prevents you from entering into any agreement with any other body concerning the filming of your work or your life story.

He applied pressure upon you to sign the document by indicating that work on your life story would be starting within 2 weeks but nothing happened at that point in time.

However, subsequently as I understand it from your letter, there have been two sets of films work completed and I would be grateful if you could confirm exactly when and where the filming took place.

As you know, Miss Art has been in correspondence with this firm concerning your predicament and indeed she has agreed to be responsible for this firm’s legal fees in connection with the preliminary work in corresponding with Mr. Lockerman at this stage to try and resolve the problem. If you have a copy of the document that you signed with Mr. Lockerman that would be useful, or otherwise I will have to write to him directly for confirmation of what it is he appears to be relying on.

With this letter I am sending out my firm’s standard terms and conditions and I would be grateful if you would consider the same and let me have the Confirmation of instructions as soon as possible. I have asked Miss Art for Mr. Lockerman’s address details.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely

S E Sullivan


NOTE: Searl could not photocopy the original letter, thus had to re-type it. This means the signature cannot be re-produced here. Searl confirm that this is a true copy of that letter with added photos of parties concern.

Solicitors with Notaries. A list of Partners is available on request. Founded 1570, regulated by The Law Society, Lexcel accredited. Also at Thames Gateway. Member: of LAW SOUTH and INTERLEGAL with associated offices in Europe and North America.

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Searl Global Technologies – CRIMINALS:


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Hello Bradley K. Lockerman, here is your boss, Hideki Tojo. Or should I address you as Hail Tojo? He would love to have giving you a damn good spanking, if that did not cure your insanity, he would had put you in a suicide plane to see if you could sink a USA battleship. Don’t you wish that you had all those trimmings like him? I guess that he would have been kind enough to present you with some for your glory of missing the target ship. Whether you hit or miss you would be on your way to another world – which has no insanity there.

Searl states that Brad claimed to be his friend REALLY? Searl wanted him to be friend, even though he knew Brad to be a liar and, told Searl fibs a number of times; which is the first thing babies learn to do for protection. Searl learnt from medical research work, which is another book to be. How many people really understand what life is like when they accept a person as a friend then find they only plan to steal the technology from you?

Searl states, why there are so many other people that are so annoying. For if it weren’t for all those total idiots, my life and yours would be great. After all, I’m a good driver, and good pilot plus a sensible friend, an intelligent co-worker, a caring mate, and, most of all, you know that Searl know how to stand in a line without cutting in.

Searl states that given the antics of the thronging rabble, however, searl says that if you are not angry, you are not paying attention, as the bumper sticker says: We might all be better off if we weren’t paying attention: to the tail gating jerk behind us, the woman screeching into her cell phone, or the waiter who thinks he’s God’s gift, is that you Stephen Donnelly?

Searl reminds you that centuries before bumper stickers enriched our lives, an eighteenthcentury poet Thomas Gray said “Ignorance is bliss”, and no doubt it’s still true. Searl have to accept that issue from Searl own experience over the years. If Brad had got M-G-M to make a movie on this technology, we would not have been in this mess today.

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Hello Russell Anderson, or more precisely HAIL GESTAPO DICTATOR ANDERSON. You are a very naughty boy, aren’t you? Your boss shown here would have given you a jolly good spanking, if that did not cure your insanity he would pass you to the front line or pass you on to Adolf Hitler to give you the ultimate cure – THE GAS CHAMBER, which cures all mental illnesses. Sad they have passed on to a far better place which has no insanity.

The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything, this is you Hail Anderson. The court is waiting for your appearance soon, to cure you of thinking that you actually own my technology; with a nice holiday in prison, which you sure have worked hard to earn. You should thank Brad for that wonderful experience yet to come soon, but he will join you for company, which is nice of him

In case you do not understand why I am hitting this mental idiotic person, because his insanity on videos are clearly to stop investors in vesting in SMI, to force investors to invest in an existing competitor named EX-STI, who has no rights to use my name or my terms used by me in respect of the technology; to raise funds, which they have done thus they have conned the public that, is a criminal offence, and is now in the hands of legal bodies to sort them out.

Searl states that, this document is to vent about why people are like this, and why all the stupid things they do, are so obvious to intelligent people and me, from not using their turn to believing that, the S.E.G. is feasible; they think they’re the centre of the universe, to sweating the small stuff; to ignoring the fact that we’re all just trying to make our way in this insanely world, but some of us are doing it a whole lot better than others, that is true Brad Lockerman, STI and Flowerbower; at least you think you are – which is your problem – not mine. Searl accepts that many people would sooner die than think. In fact, they do. Page 8©


DOC- M1-1-(ix).

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This is Russell Anderson: On the desk top are two products stolen from SMI: He is also guilty of conning the public with fraud and deception to raise funds. Compulsive liar; Making statements which he knows are lies to get money, which I understand some fools have already given STI money, which means that they have created serious crime as EX STI do not own anything of my technology and are breaking the law by using my name and rights as theirs. Anyone joining them is just as guilty by association. And can be called to court to answer questions, which could carry prison sentence if proven guilty.

Searl states that all that man/woman does outwardly are but the expression and completion of his/her inward thought. To work effectively, he/she must think clearly Flowerbower; to act nobly, which Flowerbower you fail to have any mental capacity to do that as he/she must think nobly which puts you Flowerbower completely out of the running. Searl throughout this document: be showing clips of the many subjects which he had to learn, the full subjects will appear in special Documents to show you Searl education which he had to understand for the work which he is now undertaking again in the USA. Page 9©

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