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Профилинг немцев на юж карелию

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Faculty of Business and Culture, Imatra

Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality


Marjukka Kivelä


Bachelor‟s Thesis 2011

ABSTRACT Marjukka Kivelä

Profiling the German Market for South Karelia Region, 38 pages, 3 appendices Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Imatra

Unit of Tourism, Degree Programme in Tourism Instructor: Mika Tonder, Principal lecturer SUAS

Germany as a country has enough people to travel also to Finland. The task is to find the right channels for it. The business culture of Germany is promising good relationships because the cultures are facing well each others. The statistics shows the changes during the years and the number of people who travel to Finland is growing. South Karelia would need new innovations to enhance visibility among other places in Finland.

A distribution channel by Kalakota and Robinson is connecting all the business actions. Keeping contact with the consumers is important because the money that you are spending to get a new customer is higher than amount of money keeping existing ones. Distribution channels to the tourism industry are extremely vital, even more vital than in other trade industries due to the fast changes in the field. The Internet has impact and is impacting the tourism industry in a hard way, companies must be available online.

The consumers are demanding, but the consumers are also them which behaviour is interesting companies the most. The needs and desires of the consumer must be known before the product or service is produced to the public.

The main aim of this thesis is to get to launched the tourism profile of German market, to know how the customers are behaving, what they are looking for when travelling to South Karelia, and to know ways of distributing the information and which channels are the important ones. The results of the research show that nature and quietness of South Karelia attracts the Germans. The Internet is the way how consumers are finding the companies and the companies are finding the new resorts by touring in Finland and using the help of hotel chains and national tourist offices.

Keywords: Germany, South Karelia, Distribution Channels, Consumer




1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................



Justifications for Researching the Topic ..........................................................................



Aims and Delimitations .......................................................................................................



Research Method ................................................................................................................



Research Interview Design ................................................................................................



Participants of the Research..............................................................................................


2 TOURISM BEHAVIOUR OF GERMAN CONSUMERS ..................................................


3 THE TOURISM OF SOUTH KARELIA REGION .............................................................



South Karelia Tourism Attractions ..................................................................................


4 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS ..............................................................................................



Distribution Channels in General ....................................................................................



Business Tourism vs. Leisure Tourism ..........................................................................



Distribution Channels in Germany ..................................................................................


5 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ....................................................................................................



Consumer-Driven Value Chain and Asset-driven Supply Chain................................



Maslow‟s Model .................................................................................................................


7 PROFILING THE GERMAN MARKET ..............................................................................


8 CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................................


REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................



1.1 Justifications for researching the topic

The current situation of tourism industry in South Karelia is critical, a lot of money has been invested and soon results will be expected. For example the town of Joutseno (nowadays part of Lappeenranta) has invested over 10 million euros on the infrastructure and the public engineering of Saimaa Gardens. Without a proper research of possible customers, the tour operators, it is hard to know what the customers want for that place or region and why they would want to sell trips to there. Writer of this paper want to know more about the demand of South Karelia among tour operators and use that information for satisfying their needs and offer to them services what they are looking for.(Saimaa Gardens 2011)

The Saimaa region is growing and development has been occurred. Saimaa Gardens will offer services especially to families due to the fact that in the area will be cottages and apartments which can be rented, or even holiday weekshares can be bought. Also in Saimaa Garden‟s area, there is a new Holiday Club spa hotel which will be offering services for later in this year and a lot of more beds in the South Karelia region later this year. Therefore even more tourists are heading to South Karelia. On Saimaa Gardens‟ web pages it is mentioned that the potential customers are coming from Russia. There are 8 million people nearby South Karelia. The area is situated between Imatra and Lappeenranta town centres, so Lappeenranta airport is not too far either. (Saimaa Gardens 2011)

This kind of research is needed to update the information that we already have, and to make a real profile of German customers which has not been done before. In South Karelia region, the Russian customer segment is well-known and profiled, but now we need information also of smaller customer segments


1.2 Aims and delimitations

The aim of the Thesis is to find out why German customers (tour operators and travel agencies) would like to start to operate trips to South Karelia and what their interest is in case they are already making trips there. The profile of German customer character is not familiar and that is opened up later on in this paper. It has been found out what Germans are looking for South Karelia. With this research the aim is also to help the segmentation work of regional marketing companies and South Karelia by providing information of the German customer area; what attracts them and how they find the tourism companies who organize trips to Finland?

The research problem led from the aim is why or why not German tourism companies would want to operate in South Karelia? South Karelia is situated at Lake Saimaa, can the tourist attraction factors be found there, and if they can, what attracts the tourism companies in South Karelia region.

The research problem can be divided into three research questions; what kind of travellers are German people, which things are affecting consumer behaviour and which are the issues that have an impact on operating to South Karelia? The distribution channels cannot be either forgotten; through which channels will TO‟s find the new destinations and resorts, and are TO‟s always using the same route for searching new places where they could operate.

In order to keep the thesis small enough and easy to handle, there are a few delimitations that had to be taken into consideration when doing this Thesis. By Concentrating on the Tour Operators who are already making trips to Finland and to South Karelia was the only way to get the answers from companies. The cooperation took place just with the Tour Operators, not direct with the end users. In order to narrow the paper it was wise to use just one country, Germany. To limit this further, by taking into consideration only free time travel, was a good choice. Business travelling and free time travelling have different meanings and also the time frame differs.


The main words are explained and (distribution channel, Germany, consumer behaviour and SK as a tourism destination). The issues are looked at from different aspects and concentrated on German point of view.

The thesis paper is contains 4 different sections in the theoretical part. First is presented Germany from the perspective of outbound tourism. Some knowledge of German culture is needed, how they behave and act in business life and some basic facts, such as population, structure of the country (religion, politics) and statistics from their tourism behaviour. What kind of things is the German customer area looking for in Finland? How is the cultural factor affecting?

Second is presented what South Karelia has to offer German tourists? Attraction, entertainment, facilities and programme services are in South Karelia. The basic facts of South Karelia as background knowledge will also be told

Third is the distribution channels‟ importance in the tourism business field. Thesis paper also explores the distribution channels and their interests to South Karelia. Are the same channels always used and done by following the same path every time or are Germans spontaneous about it? What are the channels what they use for searching new offerings for their customers and to their company profile? The writer is as well interested in consumers and what their interests are when they are choosing the trip.

Finally are explored the consumer behaviour and the importance to react fast to the upcoming changes; companies must be updated because consumers can change their minds rapidly. The trends of consumers in tourism and how the trends have been changing during the growth of the Internet are told as well. The interest in choosing a trip is also dealt with this research. Tourism industry is a fast changing industry and be ahead of trends is important, but without the basic knowledge of the needs and desires of customers and consumers (tour operators and travel agencies) we cannot do much.


1.3 Research method

The use of quantitative method would not have been wise in this case because not exist enough answers from potential tour operators is got or does there exist enough potential tour operators. Finland, and especially South Karelia as a market area is too small for Germany so that wider research could have been done properly and in the limited time. The method would not either reach the aim which was to get deeper information why tour operators and customers are choosing South Karelia as tourism destination. The qualitative method gives deeper answers of the behaviour; the questions are then more detailed and cannot be answered just by „yes‟ or „no‟ arguments, or using also questions such as „why‟ and „how‟ things are done. These factors were important in order to reach the aim of this research. That is why qualitative method is chosen. (Silverman 2004, 100-101)

The qualitative method is seeking answers to actions, problems and processes. This method is called subjective, flexible, speculative and political in the book of Interpreting Qualitative Data (Silverman 2006, 35 &19). It has been also stated that qualitative method could give deeper understanding of all the social phenomena. The four main methods that are used usually in the research are done by: video or audio recordings, analyzing text and documents, observation, and the last method is interviews and focus groups. These methods can be combined and it is also often done. By interviewing and having focus groups, the questions are open-ended and the sample of the focus groups is small. The outcome of this research is non-numerical and there is space for interpretation. It has always been argued the scientific reliability in qualitative research, but it is used in market research and in social sciences because some of relevant points can missed while using the quantitative research method. (Wikipedia 2011e); (Phillimore, Goodson. 2004)

The data is collected from the participants about their activities, events, occasions and behaviours. In the research of profiling the German markets, the method; interviews and focus groups, mentioned above, are used. The use of qualitative research in tourism is mainly the use of methods rather than lot of thinking tools, and then researchers are able to think of differences ways and


from different point of view to approach the issue. (Phillimore & Goodson. 2004, 3-5)

The Internet allows contact and the information is gathered from cross-cultural research participants easily by sending emails. The part of which is missed in email interview is the expression and the deeper knowledge of the participants. (Silverman 2004, 100-101)

There exist many tour operators which, for example organize bike tours and hiking in different countries in the world. At first those companies which were organizing winter holidays or skiing holidays are taken into consideration. The potential tour operators who would have the right customer segment for making trips to Finland and South Karelia have been contacted. By potential customers is meant the tour operators, which would fit the company profile by its offerings. Answers from the potential tour operators did not get, there is than taken into consideration also those tour operators who already are making trips to Finland and to South Karelia. This research has helped to find out what kind of services German speaking markets are looking for, and which the right customer group is by its age and other demographic factor like social class (wealth) for traveling to South Karelia region.

The cooperation is done with three different tour operators. The questions are about the customers‟ main reasons to travel South Karelia, what they are looking for in Finland, and especially in South Karelia. The demand and attraction of destination South Karelia is also found out by interview. Channels, and how companies find new destinations and resorts, is also one of the questions in the interview. The outcome of the questions and emails which were sent to the potential recipients did not give any results, so the decision to explore the already existing tour operators in the Finnish market, which organize trips to Finland and / or South Karelia, was needed. In total there are 11 Tour operators in Germany which organize trips to Finland. Three of them have been chosen to answer my questions. Those tourism companies, tour operators are handled in chapter 1.5.

The helping hand is given to the South Karelia region with this research, my own interests towards that country, language and culture, but also with my


knowledge of Germany, and also information which has been collected on the Internet; journals and articles and from literature books. With one and a half years living in Germany the writer has also empirical information about Germany and its culture.

1.4 Research interview design

Due to the changes that occur during the research project, questions are varied, but when sending the additional questions the information was received as wanted. The questions are developed and done beside other work. When it was time to start to make the questions, at first the language should be thought of carefully, whether writing in English or in German was the issue. German would have been, of course more familiar to the companies, there could have been misinterpretation if the interview had been done in German, so the interview was done in English.

The first model of the questions is concentrated mainly on the tour operators which are not yet making trips to South Karelia.

As mentioned already earlier this first question model did not give any answers. Some similarities of the questions can be found which could have been done in a better way. At that point is was thought what would have been useful from research point of view and how the wider answers could be obtained from the participants of the research. The interview design has to be thought of carefully and made as clear as possible. The importance to define chosen tour operators‟ distribution channels and consumer behavior was the main thing.

The first question of the interview schedules was taken away because the relevancy of this question was not huge due to the fact that the companies who are already making trips to Finland would be contacted.


1.5 Participants of the research

When thinking of how the companies are contacted, at first the language should be considered. The writers‟ German skills are at good level, which made it possible to contact the companies in German. What comes to German culture politeness, correctness and formality is the best approach when doing the first contact. (Wilson 2008, 395)

All the three companies which were already organizing trips to Finland were freely answering my questions, and also some of them know the Finnish language. Problems occurred when the time was limited.

The first company which is represented is specializing in Scandinavia, especially Finland. Their offerings provide different kind of possibilities from just flights to organized packages for individuals or groups. They are also offering summer houses and rental cars for their customers. They are also providing tickets for Finnish railway, VR.

The second tour operator, whose main offerings are: special trips to Finland, such as the cultural capital of Turku and the design capital of Helsinki, winter holidays and Finnish summerhouses. Their offerings are wide. They are providing special services, such as fishing permissions and animal watching safaris. Also trips for groups are in their programme. The company has online booking possibility on their website.

The third company is different from the two because the company was established by Finnish woman. On their homepage it is said that they are offering trips with quality and they want their customer to get familiar with the real Finnish culture. They are organizing trips to the Nordic countries. Their speciality is the trip along the coast of Norway up to Nordkap. They do not have possibility to direct online-booking on their website, but customers can send them requests via email.