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Module 2 a learning experience

Ex.1. Discuss the following questions.

  1. Can you think of any problems, faced by schools and their pupils?

  2. Do you think pupils would prefer to study at home and go to school only to take exams?

  3. Should education be free? Why (not)?

  4. Would you prefer to go to a state or private school? Why?

  5. What were your favourite subjects at school?

  6. What subjects do you think are most important for students to learn and why?

  7. How is education important in a person’s career?

  8. Would you be interested in an academic career? Why (not)?

  9. Do you think students should get enough help from their school in order to choose a suitable career?

  10. Which would be the ideal career for you? Why? What should someone keep in mind when choosing a career?

  11. Should teachers be paid more? Do you think this would improve education?

Ex.2. Complete the sentences with the correct word. Use each word once only.

  1. professor / teacher

a. When I was 12, my English _____ encouraged me to write stories.

b. Our _____ at University was more interested in his research than in teaching.

2. check / control

a. Before you hand in written work, you should _____ it carefully for mistakes.

b. The children in Mr. Adam’s class are so naughty that he cannot _____ them.

3. career / course

a. Dr. Jenkins ruined his _____ when he gave several patients the wrong drug.

b. They sent him on a two-week _____ to learn how to use the new computer.

4. subject / lesson

a. Monday’s French _____ was so boring I thought it would never end.

b. I think physics is a difficult _____ to study at university level.

5. educate / train

a. I’m sure your company will _____ you to use the new equipment.

b. Many people feel that schools do not _____ children very well these days.

6. degree / grade

a. I think this composition deserves a better _____ than C, don’t you?

b. Although my _____ was in chemistry, the headmaster still let me teach biology.

7. term / course

There will be no lectures during the last _____ of my history _____ as we are expected to study for exams then.

8. day school / boarding school

When I went to _____ I only saw my parents during the holidays, but now that I go to a _____ I see them every night.

9. comprehensive school / private school

It is necessary to pay school fees in order to go to a _____ whereas a _____ is run by the state and is therefore free.

10. co-educational school / single-sex school

My brother and sister go to a _____, but I go to a _____ where there are only girls.

Ex.3. Fill in the gaps with one of the words from the list below.

Classroom / playing field / canteen / assembly hall / cloakroom / art room / staffroom / gym / playroom / lab

1) Today in the _____ they had my favourite meal: steak and kidney pie with chips.

2) When it rains we have our P.E. lessons inside in the _____.

3) John nearly blew up the science _____ when he mixed the wrong chemicals together.

4) The walls of the _____ are covered in pictures which have been painted by the pupils.

5) We have lots of fun in the _____ playing games or relaxing between lessons.

6) There are thirty desks and chairs and a big blackboard in our _____.

7) You should put your scarves, hats and coats in the _____.

8) The _____ is for teachers only – the pupils are not allowed to go in there.

9) We watched our college team playing rugby on the _____ yesterday.

10) The _____ is where the whole school meets in the morning for prayers or for general announcements.

Ex.4. Fill the gaps in this text with a suitable word from the list.

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