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Grammar Test

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1. In what part of London is St. Paul’s Cathedral situated?

A. in the West End, B. in the East End,

C. in Hampton Court, D. in the City.

  1. What is Humpty Dumpty in British literature?

A. a toy, B. an egg, C. an animal, D. a monster.

  1. Match the British parties and their symbols:

A. Conservative 1. blue torch

B. Conservative 2. yellow bird

C. Liberal Democramats 3. red rose

D. New Communist Party of Britain 4. red hammer and sickle

4. The conservative party is nicknamed:

A. The Whigs B. The Whips,

C. The Tories D. the Loony Monster.

  1. When did the Romans first invade Britain?

A. in the 5th century AD, B. in the 5th century BC,

C. in the 1st century BC, D. in the 1st century AD.

  1. Where does Elizabeth II live?

A. in the Tower of London, B. in Westminster Palace,

C. in Buckingham Palace, D. at No.10 Downing Street.

  1. Which holiday is traditionally celebrated on 25 January?

A. Burn’s Night, B. Hogmanay, C. Eisteddfod, D. Guy Fawkes’ Night.

  1. Which is not a traditional English dish?

A. scrambled eggs, B. bacon and eggs, C. porridge, D. haggis.

  1. What is a “public school” in England?

A. a state-financed school, B. a private school,

C. a comprehensive school, D. a religious school.

  1. Where are the Crown Jewels kept?

A. in Buckingham Palace, B. in the Tower of London,

C. in Westminster Palace, D. in the British Museum.

  1. Which word is missing in the saying “To kill two _____ with one stone”?

A. hares, B. mice, C. birds, D. flies.

12. What is a limerick?

A. a joke, B. a rhyme, C. a song, D. a play on words.

  1. Which is the right Russian equivalent to the English proverb “Birds of a feather flock together”?

A. Рука руку моет. В. Рыбак рыбака видит издалека.

С. Всяк кулик свое болото хвалит. D. В нужде с кем ни поведешься

14. M: How was your blind date last night?

W: We hit it off right away.

What does the woman mean?

  1. She had a quarrel with her date.

  2. She and her date left quickly.

  3. She and her date knocked something down.

  4. She and her date got along well.

15 .An old lady brought her _______ by puttingsome smelling salt under her nose.

A. about B. round C. forward D. along

16. You’ve got a lot of faults to _______ up for.

A. come B. make C. put D.do

17. There’s no need to ______ a fuss.

A. do B. make C.produce D.create

18. Where’d you think his enthusiasm ________ from.

A.sourses B.makes C. springs D. traces

19. Would you rather I _______ dinner if you feel bad.

A. make B. will make C. made D. have made

20. She looks as ________as a fiddle.

A. healthy B.fit C. nice D. sound

21.___________________lightning tends to strike the nearest high point, you would do well not to stand under a tall tree during a thunderstorm.

a. Even if b. Given that c. Supposing D. As long as

22. Alex painted his bedroom very dark. He ­­____________-__ a different tone.

A. had to choose C. should have chosen

B. must have chosen D. must choose

23. I wish they __________ the play as it was in the original version, instead of hacking it about and trying to make it sound modern.

a. will leave b. had left c. have left d. leave

24. He was so _____________ that he sent everybody the wrong information.

a. imcompetent b. uncompetent c. competentless d. incompetent

25. A famous mystery that _____________ is that of the Bermuda Triangle. A satisfactory explanation of the disappearances of ships and airplanes ____________ .

a. has never really explained; is never been found

b. is never really explained; has never found

c. has never really explained; is never found

d. has never been really explained; has never been found

26.There’s absolutely no point in ___________ against the injustice of the situation.

a. railing b. complaining c. shrieking d. berating

27. My father is forever finding ______________ with the way I dress.

a. problem b. fault c. mistake d. error

28. We ­­­______________ warm sweaters, as the weather was so good.

a. needn’t take c. shouldn’t take

b. mustn’t have taken d. didn’t need to take

29. Opportunities to travel are few and far _________________ in my profession.

a. between b. off c. beyond d. away

30. Apparently , you have to apply __________ a visa ____________ person.

a. to; in b. for; by c. to; for d. for; in

31. A peaceful demonstration is anticipated, but the riot squad will remain ready to act __

a. if should occur unexpected violence

b. that unexpected violence occurs

c. should unexpected violence occur

d. if unexpected violence would occur

32. He sat in the back of the car with a policeman on ____________ side.

a. every b. either c. each d. both

33. You should be _______________ ashamed of yourself for what you’ve done.

a. thoroughly b. hopelessly c. entire d. earnestly

34. She turned away from the window lest anyone _____________ them .

a. see b. saw c. would not see d. should not see

35. They are rarely seen … public these days.

a. on b. for c. in d. to

36. This digital music player suits me ___________ .

a. off the ground c. down to earth

b. down to the ground d. down and out

37. You’d better not _______him _________ me, or it’ll turn against you.

a. draw … from b. set … against c. leave … behind d. put … across

38. If the traffic problem ______________ , we should act now.

a. will be resolved c. is to be resolved

b. must resolve d. resolved

39. Wouldn’t you prefer to sit on this seat rather than ________ for the whole journey ?

a. stand b. standing c. to stand to be standing

40. He is afraid …_________ to Mrs. Priestly. In his place I would rather _________ her. He may depend on her ____________the problem properly.

a. of speaking; trusting; understanding c. of speaking; to trust; understanding

b. to speak; trust; understanding d. to speak; to trust; to understand

41. – Dad, will you drive me to school today ?

-Provided that you ________ ready by 8.00, I _________ you.

a. will be, drive c. will be, will be driven

b. are; will drive d. are, drive

42. I’m depending on you to pay me back the money on Monday. Please don’t ___ me __

a. let … down b. run … down c. rule out d. bear … out

43. Nobody expected the president of the company … to the party.

a. to come b. come c. coming d. be coming

44. Rock bands have ____________ millions for charity.

a. arisen b. raised c. roused d. risen

45. He isn‘t French but he speaks French as if he … from France.

a. comes b. were c. has come d. is

46. You baked a lot of cakes. I think you … us.

a. must expect

b. must have been expecting

c. had to expect

d. had expected

47. You came in without knocking and made me jump. You really … me!

a. frightened b. scared c. startled d. afraid

48. She tried to cut … smoking by only buying a packet of cigarettes a week.

a. away with b. down on c. off d. out

49. She is believed … a false passport to enter the country.

a. having used b. has used c. using d. to have been using

50. ______________ , I‘m not interested in what you have to tell me.

a. Doubtless b. Without question c. At the least d. Frankly

51. Please be patient and … allowances for the fact that she is not well.

a. take b. have c. make d. give

52. We suggested that they … an eye … their luggage while waiting for their train.

a. kept; for b. keep; on c. would be keeping; to d. had kept; on

53. Sonya’s painting entered in the competition put mine in the __________ .

a. shade b. shadow c. dark d. dusk

54. The crash victims probably would not be alive today _________ arrived at the scene of the accident

within three and one-half minutes of its occurrence.

a. if had the ambulance not

b. did the ambulance not

c. if the ambulance would not have

d. had the ambulance not

55. Two hundred thousand pounds … too … to spend on this house.

a. is; much b. are; many c. are; fewer d. is; small

56. The part of the city near the sea is … to flooding.

a. apt b. likely c. prone d. capable

57. Everyone knows what to do, __________ ?

a. don’t they b. don’t you c. doesn’t he d. do we

58. A plane with an engine on fire approached the runway. _______ was frightening. There could have

been a terrible accident.

a. Watching it land

b. To watch it to land

c. Watching to land it

d. Watch it landing

59. Don‘t ________________ eye contact with people who approach … you in the street.

a. get; to b. make; — c. do; — d. have; at

60. He bought a(n) … cottage in the country.

a. stone; old; small

b. old; small; stone

c. small; old; stone

d. stone; small; old

61. — Where‘s your daughter?

— She ___________ after at the day care centre today.

a. is looked b. is looking c. have been looked d. is being looked

62. Having … her heart on university, she‘d be upset if she didn‘t get in.

a. set b. laid c. fixed d. positioned

63. M.: We‘re way over budget on this project.

W.: They must have miscalculated the cost of the new equipment.

What does the woman say about the project?

a. It will be canceled as a result of mismanagement.

b. They probably made an error in figuring the expenses .

c. They must give a complete report on the estimated costs.

d. They have to charge the calculations to the company office.

64. Now’s hardly the time to tell me you didn’t need a test at all, ___________ ?

a. did you b. is it c. need you d. isn’t it

65. It was a fashionable party and the walls were decorated with ________ and _______, the majority of the guests __________ wearing jeans and T-shirts.

A lilies-of-the-valley, forget-me-nots, were

B lily-of-the-valleys, forget-me-nots, were

C lilies-of-the-valley, forgets-me-not, was

D lilies-of-the-valley, forgets-me-nots, was

66. The flat hasn’t been very well looked after, but I think that after I ______ it _______… it’ll look very nice.

a. do up b. put up c. put off d. look up

67. In 1620, _______ group of Leiden Puritans, 101 men, women and children, set out for ______ Virginia on __________board _________ Mayflower.

A. The, the, the, the B A, _____, _______, the

C A, the, a, _______ D A, ______, a, the

68. I‘m afraid you have to comply __________ these new regulations.

a. on b. for c. about d. with

69. _______ dinosaur is a reptile that was ______ dominant land animal during _______ most of _______

Mesozoic Era but became _______extinct at its close.

A The, the, the, the,the B The, the, ____, the, _____

C A,a, _____,______,______ D A, the, the, the,the

70. The criteria _______ too vague. If there were a sharper ________ to make our choice, I would be happy.

A is, criterion B are, criterion

C is, criteria D are, criteria

71.The _______history goes back to 1808.

A state’s newspaper’s B state’s newspaper

C state newspaper’s D state newspaper

For tasks 72-82 use the word given in right column to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Eating out in London.

London is now one of the world’s top sities for dining out, according to the 72 ___________ of survey that covers 70 worldwide cities.



Tim Zagat of the Zagat survey said yesterday that the sixth 73 ___________ of his survey showed how much



74 ______________ London had made. He said: “In many ways I think



that London is now more 75 ______________ than most other European



capitals. It is the 76 ___________ of types of cuisine that makes



London special.” He added that British people are becoming much more

77 ______ with regard to food. Top restaurant was Gordon Ramsay’s



Where the food was called “ 78 _______ wonderful if rather



79 _________.



In addition to Ramsay’s justifiably famous place in Chelsea, the survey

Draws attention to the 80 ________ of a number of other restaurants



Which were felt to be of an 81 ____________ high standart.



Although there are still many London restaurants which remain 82__________ , overall the standard is getting much better.



For tasks 83-100 read the text and do the following exercises. Cultural differences between Japanese and American managers have presented the biggest obstacles to Japanese companies investing in America.

Cultural differences between Japanese and American managers have presented the biggest obstacle to Japanese companies investing in America.

A seminar for Japanese executives working in America was attended by 25 men , nearly all of them in identical dark suits. Despite the room’s stifling heating system, they resolutely refused to remove their jacket. Their coffee break lasted exactly the scheduled ten minutes . They began to ask questions only after they had got to know one another a bit better at lunch. They were usually deferential and always polite.

A similar seminar for 25 Americans working for Japanese subsidiaries in America included eight women .Several of the men removed their jackets on entering the room .A ten-minute coffee break stretched beyond 20 minutes .Participants asked questions and several aggressively contradicted what the speakers had to say.

According to Mr. Thomas Lifson of Harvard and Mr. Yoshihiro Tsurumi of New York’s Baruch College-the two main speakers at both seminars—misunderstandings between Japanese and American managers are possible at nearly every encounter. They can begin at the first recruiting interview .A big American company typically hires people to fill particular slots .Its bosses know that Americans are mobile people ,who have a limited commitment to any particular employer or part of the country .As a result ,jobs are clearly defined and so are the skills needed to fill them. American firms hire and fire almost at will.

The assumptions (and the expectations) of the Japanese managers of Japanese subsidiaries in America could hardly be more different. They hire people more for the skills they will acquire after joining the company than for their existing skills.

American managers rely heavily on number-packed memoranda and the like .The Japanese colleagues prefer informal consultations which lead eventually to a consensus. According to Mr Tsurumi, they find comical the sight of American managers in neighboring offices exchanging memos.

Confronted with a dispute between middle managers, most Japanese superiors refuse to become involved, expecting the managers themselves to resolve the issue. The Americans conclude, wrongly, that their Japanese bosses are indecisive or incompetent. Japanese managers do not share the American belief that conflict is inevitable, and sometimes healthy. They want to believe that employees form one big happy family.

2.Choose the best answer

83. What did cultural differences between Japanese and American managers result in?

A. Americans refused to work in Japan.

B. Managers began more interested in studying each other’s culture.

C. Japanese found it more difficult to do business in America.

D. Managers were made to attend special courses to study culture.

84. It took Americans 20 minutes to.________.

A. argue with the speakers.

B. resume work after a break.

C. remove their jackets.

D. invite women to take part in the seminar.

85.According to the text, what are Americans like?

A. They are devoted to a particular employer.

B. They like to work in a certain part of the country.

C. They often change jobs.

D. They seldom possess necessary skills.

86. Japanese superiors don’t intervene in desputes,because.__________.

A. they are incompetent.

B. they are indecisive.

C. they believe that conflict is inevitable and sometimes healthy.

D. they want employees to solve problems themselves.

87.What do Americans think about their Japanese bosses?

A. They like conflicts.

B. They can’t make decisions.

C. They are very competent.

D. They form one big family.

2. Match words 88-95 to their synonyms.

  1. Obstacle

  1. run in certain direction

  1. executive

  1. run across

  1. deferential

  1. run oppose

  1. subsidiary

  1. hinder

  1. contradiction

  1. busnessrunner

  1. encounter

  1. responsibility

  1. commitment

  1. branch

  1. inevitable

  1. understanding

  1. Writing summary. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the five answer choices 96-100 that express the most omportant ideas of the text. Some sentences do not belong to the summary because they express wrong ideas or are minor.

This passage discusses fundamental cultural differences between the Japanese and Americans.






  1. Cultural differences are major part of contradiction between Japanese and American executives.

  2. Nearly all Japanese manages were wearing identical dark suits.

  3. American businessmen include mostly men rather than women.

  4. Japanese managers appeared to be more strict and disciplinised.

  5. Misunderstanding between Japanese and American managers are inevitable at nealy every encounter.

  6. Japanese managers do not want to invest to business in America.

  7. The Americans are less cultural than Japanese.

  8. American companies often hire employees for short period of time whereas Japanese ones appreciate long-term commitment.

  9. The Americans respect forum and free discussion however the Japanese favour informal medium.

  10. The Japanese are reserved, incompetent and indecisive in arguments.

  11. American managers like humour and exchange memories.

  12. The Japanese superiors avoid being involved into a dispute between their subsidiaries.

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