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Розділ 1. Генезис особистості.

Заняття 1.1

Моя біографія

  1. Read and learn the following words:

chores- повсякденні обов’язки, робота по домогосподарству;

personal background- особова історія( біографія);

bio- біографія;

frequent activities- рід постійної діяльності;

to come from – походити з …., бути родом з …….;

first language- рідна мова (перша мова);

bilingual ability-здатність говорити 2-ма мовами;

humble beginnings- скромні починання;

premier- перший;

accolades- знаки пошани, захоплена похвала;

pre-adolescent- перед юнацькій, перед підлітковий;

siblings- діти одних батьків;

personality traits- характерні риси особистості;

significance- значення, важливість, сенс, значимість;

pet-домашня тварина;

biggest obstacle- найбільша перешкода ( перепона);

2. Read and translate the following texts: Kateryna Rybachenko’s biography

My name is Kateryna Rybachenko. I was born on the 23rd of September, 1990 in Chernihiv, Ukraine. In Ukraine we speak Ukrainian and rarely Russian. I grew up with my parents, brother and sister on a tiny farm in the outskirts of the town. We grew potatoes, beetroots, beans, peas, corn and raised rabbits. We had two dogs, a cat and several rabbits and many pigs. In Ukraine we ate a lot of potatoes, beans, cabbages, fish and meat. My job was to feed the rabbits and shell the peas and beans. I attended Chernihiv secondary school #21. I went to cricket and soccer matches, agricultural fairs. I liked climbing trees, reading and playing with the dogs. When I was little, I dreamt of having lots of books to read, lots of places to visit and going on an airplane. When I was 10 years old, my dream came true and my family and I moved to Kyiv. We came here so that my brother, sister and I could have a good education and better opportunities. Now I am studying at the Kyiv Pedagogical University for a teacher.

Student’s biography

Igor Petrenko is a first-year student at the Law faculty of Vinnitsya Cooperative Institute. He was born in Vinnitsya. While being at school he was much interested in history. He studied it at school. He was also interested in literature and used to write poems. Even when he got the gold medal with his school-leaving certificate he did not know what to choose: history or literature.

He finished school and began working at the Court as a secretary. Then he bore arms. After demobilization he decided to enter the Institute. He studies hard to become a good lawyer. He spends a lot of time on lectures and getting ready to them. So he made his choice, he chose law. But he did not give up on literature and history. He sometimes writes poems. They are his two main hobbies, and his chief business is law.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between these two texts?

2. Who wrote these biographies?

3.Where and when were these two people born?

4. Are they single or married?

5. Do they have brothers and sisters?

6. What are their chores?

7.What are their hobbies?