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IP in the UK.doc
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Intellectual property protection

Intellectual property comprises two main branches:

  • industrial property, chiefly in inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and appellations of origin; and

  • copyright, chiefly in literary, musical, artistic, photographic and audiovisual works.

Industrial property deals principally with the protection of inventions, marks (trademarks and service marks) and industrial designs, and the repression of unfair competition.

The three subjects first mentioned have certain features in common inasmuch as protection is granted for inventions, marks and industrial designs in the form of exclusive rights of exploitation. The repression of unfair competition is not concerned with exclusive rights, but is directed against acts of competition contrary to honest practices in industrial or commercial matters, for example, in relation to undisclosed information (trade secrets).

Industrial property also deals with the protection of geographical indications (indications of source and appellations of origin).

Find English equivalents for the following words and expressions in the text.

  1. недобросовестная конкуренция

  2. использование

  3. авторское право

  4. интеллектуальная собственность

  5. товарный знак

  6. изобретение

  7. промышленная собственность

  8. поскольку, так как

  9. знак обслуживания

  10. закрытая информация

  11. промышленный образец

  12. указание происхождения (на товарах)

  13. наименование места происхождения (товара)

  14. географическое указание

15.коммерческая тайна

Copyright what is copyright?

Copyright gives rights to the creators of certain kinds of material, so that they can control the various ways in which their material may be exploited. The rights broadly cover copying, adapting, issuing copies to the public, performing in public and broadcasting the material. In many cases, the author will also have the right to be identified on his work and to object to distortions and mutilations of his work. Moreover, a rental right is given to owners of copyright in sound recordings, films and computer programs and therefore the exploitation of such works by renting them to the public requires a licence from the copyright owner.

What kind of material does copyright protect?

Copyright protects original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, published editions of works, sound recordings, films (including videograms) and broadcasts (including cable and satellite broadcasts).

What about computer programs and material stored in computers?

Computer programs are protected on the same basis as

literary works. Conversion of a program into or between

computer languages and codes corresponds to ‘adapting’ a

work and storing any work in a computer amounts to ‘copying’

the work. Also, running a computer program or displaying a

work on a VDU will usually involve copying and thus require

the consent of the copyright owner.

Does material have to have novelty or aesthetic value to get copyright rotection?

No, it simply has to be the result of independent intellectual

effort. Technical descriptions, catalogues and engineering

drawings are all examples of material which qualifies for

copyright protection whatever the subject matter.

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