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Unit 7 shopping

TOPICS: At a Department Store

At a Supermarket

GRAMMAR: Infinitive

I. Dialogs

Dialog 1

At a Department Store

Salesclerk: Hello. Can I help you?

Customer: I’d like to buy a suit.

S: What kind of suit do you have in mind, sir?

C: I’d like a light suit for summer wear, nothing too modern.

S: Single-or double-breasted?

C: Single-breasted, please.

S: What’s your size, sir?

C: I’m afraid I don’t know my English size.

S: You’ll have to try on this one for size in the fitting-room over there.

C: I don’t think it’s my size: the jacket is too tight in the shoulders and

too short in the sleeves.

S: Yes, I guess the suit is one size too small for you. Here is another, a

size larger. It looks fine on you. It’s a perfect fit.

C: So it is.

S: It’s of very good qua1ity, pure wool, it will wear for ages.

C: Will it? That’s nice. How much is it?

S: It costs $ 150,0.

C: The price is reasonable. I think I’ll take it. I like the style and the color.

S: Will you pay cash or charge?

C: Cash, please.

S: Here is your purchase. Thank you for coming.

C: Thank you for being so considerate and patient.

S: Anytime. What else can I do for you?

C: One more thing, please. Where can I buy a shirt and a tie to match this


S: On the third floor. You can take the elevator.

C: Thank you very much.

Dialog 2

Let's go shopping.

A: Let's go shopping. What’s the best place for shopping in Moscow?

B: There are fine stores all over Moscow. But I suggest we go to the

biggest department store called GUM.

A: What do these letters stand for?

B: They stand for three Russian words – State Department Store.

A: Where is it located?

B: Right in the center of Moscow, on the Red Square.

A: How do we get there?

B: It’s about ten minutes’ ride from here by the Metro, and a five

minutes’ walk from the Metro station to the store. Are you ready?

A: Quite. Let’s go.

Dialog 3

You look smashing

A: You look smashing today.

B: Do I? Thank you. It’s my new overcoat, I believe. I bought it yesterday.

A: It really becomes you.

B: Does it? It’s the latest fashion.

A: It’s a perfect fit. Is it very expensive?

B: The price is quite reasonable. It’s pure wool. By the way, if you are

interested in clothes at reasonable prices, I can recommend you a

new department store not far from the center.

A: That’s just what I need. Thank you for your information. I’ll follow

your advice and visit the new department store.

Dialog 4

At the Leather Goods Department

Salesclerk: Good morning. What can I do for you?

Customer: I’d like a pair of gloves for fall wear. My size is 9 and a half.

S: Here you are. Try these on.

C: I’m afraid they don’t fit me.

S: Here is another pair, half a size larger. But I guess we have this size

only in brown.

C: It’s still better. These gloves fit me perfectly. But they are rather


S: It’s real leather.

C: Well, I like them. I can afford a pair of good leather gloves, I think.

Dialog 5

At the Barber's

Barber: What will it be?

Customer: Hair cut, shampoo and shave.

B: How do you want your hair cut? Short?

C: No, not too short.

B: I’ll just trim it at the back and sides.

C: But don’t touch it on top.

B: All right. You have lots of dandruff. You should try massaging your

scalp. It helps sometimes.

C: A shampoo also helps, for a time, anyway.

B: How do you comb your hair? Back or with a parting?

C: I comb it back.

Exercise 1. Find in the dialogs synonyms to the following expressions:

What do you mean?; for a long time; What’s the price?; The price is...; a buy; What do these letters mean?; to be situated; downtown Moscow; underground station; I think; to look wonderful; It fits me perfectly; to wash one's hair.

Exercise 2. Give the English equivalents for:

Цена вполне умеренная; однобортный костюм; двубортный пиджак; хорошего качества; Какой размер Вы носите?; слишком тесен; немного свободен; на один размер меньше; рубашка к моему костюму; коротка в рукавах; выглядеть потрясающе; совершать покупки; ходить по магазинам; в 5-ти минутах ходьбы; в 10-ти минутах езды на автобусе; Эта шляпа тебе идет; Как на тебя и шито; следовать чьему-либо совету; пара перчаток; натуральная кожа; чистая шерсть; постричь волосы; помыть голову; на какое-то время; подравнять волосы сзади; это как раз то, что мне нужно; примерить; примерочная; подходить по размеру; цена мне очень подходит; меня не интересует одежда.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What did the customer (in Dialog 1) want to buy?

  2. What kind of suit did he have in mind?

  3. Did the customer know his English size?

  4. Where did he try on the suit?

  5. Why did the customer say that it wasn’t his size?

  6. What fabric was the suit made of?

  7. How much did the suit cost?

  8. Did the customer pay cash or charge?

  9. What did the customer ask the salesclerk when leaving the “Ready-made Clothes” department?

  10. What did the customer thank the salesclerk for?

  11. What is the best place for shopping in Moscow?

  12. What are the letters GUM stand for?

  13. Where is GUM located?

  14. How does one get to GUM?

  15. Why did B (in Dialog 3) look smashing?

  16. Where did B buy her new overcoat?

  17. Why did the overcoat make B look smashing?

  18. Was the overcoat very expensive?

  19. What fabric was the overcoat made of?

  20. Where did В recommend А to buy clothes at reasonable prices? Did A need clothes?

  21. Was A going to follow B’s advice?

  22. What was A going to do?

  23. What would the customer (in Dialog 4) like to buy?

  24. What was the customer’s size?

  25. Did the first pair of gloves the customer tried on fit him perfectly? What did the salesclerk suggest?

  26. Why were the gloves which were a perfect fit rather expensive? What color did they have such gloves in?

  27. Could the customer afford a pair of good leather gloves?

  28. What services did the customer (in Dialog 5) want to get?

  29. Did the customer want his hair cut short?

  30. What did the barber do with the customer's hair?

  31. Why did the barber recommend that the customer should massage his scalp?

  32. How did the customer comb his hair?

Exercise 4. Read the following dialogs and learn them by heart:

  1. Let’s go to the store

A: We need to go to the store.

B: OK. I need a lot of things.

A: Do you want to go to 7-Eleven, Safeway, or Fed-Mart?

B: Let’s go to Fed-Mart. It’s the cheapest.

2. Shopping

A: Here you are at last. Where have you been?

B: Why, shopping, of course.

A: Shopping? But you always say it’s a "must”, not a pleasure.

B: Do I? The thing is a friend of mine asked me to accompany her. She needed a

few records, compact discs, a portable tape-recorder and a dictionary. So I

helped her to choose them.

3. Buying a shirt

A: Good morning.

B: I'd like a shirt to match my suit.

A: Cotton, nylon or wool?

B: Cotton, please.

A: I can offer you this striped one.

B: Oh, no. The colors are too loud.

A: If you want something quieter, in good taste, I recommend you this

checked one.

B: Oh, yes. It’s just the thing. How much is it?

A: $ 10.

B: Where shall I pay?

A: Over there at the cashier’s, please.

4. At the shoemaker’s

A: What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to have these shoes soled (I want new leather soles put on). I want

leather soles. Rubber soles are too heavy for summer wear.

A: And what about the heels? They are worn down.

B: Rubber heels, of course.

A: Do you want them done while you wait? There will be an extra charge for that.

B: No, I’ll leave them.

A: (Makes out the receipt) Here you are. They will be ready in two days.

5. Where’s the milk?

A: Excuse me. Where’s the milk?

B: It's in the dairy section, in aisle 3.

A: Where?

B: Dairy section, aisle 3. Thank you.

6. The milk is sour

A: May I speak to the manager?

B: I’m manager. Can I help you?

A: Yes, I want to return this milk. It’s sour.

B: You’re right. It’s past the expiration date. I’ll get you a fresh carton.

7. In the Department Store

A: May I help you?

B: Yes. I’m the looking for a blouse.

A: What size do you need?

B: Medium.

A: What color do you want?

B: Green.

8. It’s too tight

A: How does that fit?

B: I like the color, but it’s too tight.

A: That was a size 8. Why don’t you try on a size 10?

B: This is perfect.

9. An Exchange

A: I bought this shirt for my father, but it’s too small.

B: Do you have the receipt?

A: Yes, here it is.

B: Do you want to exchange it, or do you want a refund?

A: I’d like to exchange it for a bigger size.

10. Two lDs, please

A: That’s ll be $19.32.

B: I’m going to write a check.

A: I’ll need to see two IDs.

B: I have my driver’s license and a credit card.

A: That’s fine. Here’s your receipt.

11. How much is the sweater?

A: How much is the sweater?

B: It’s $ 16.99plus tax.

A: Fine. I’ll take it.

B: Cash or charge?

A: Cash. I don’t have a charge account here.

B: OK. Here is your receipt.

If you want to buy something you go to different shops. REMEMBER:

For rice, sugar, tea, oil, etc. you go to the Grocery (Grocer’s shop).

For vegetables or fruit you go to the Greengrocery (Greengrocer’s shop).

For bread, sweets, candies or biscuits you go to the Bakery (Baker’s shop)

For meat, sausages, etc. you go to the Butchery (Butche’ shop).

For milk products you go to the Diary.

















Coffee, instant coffee

Кофе, растворимый кофе



Tea, tea bags

Чай, пакетики чая



Chocolate, a bar of chocolate,

Sweets (Br.)

Candies (Am.)

Шоколад, плитка шоколада,



Цветная капуста





Vegetable oil

Растительное масло



Salad oil

Масло для салата



Sunflower oil

Подсолнечное масло



Canned food

Консервированные продукты



Canned fish

Рыбные консервы

Canned fruit

(fruit in cans)

Консервированные фрукты (фрукты в банках)

Canned vegetables

Овощные консервы





Bakery (bread and cake counter)

Булочная(кондитерский отдел, прилавок)

Butchery (meat counter)

Мясной магазин (прилавок)

Bread (wheat, rye bread)

Хлеб (пшеничный, ржаной хлеб)



A slice (piece) of bread

Кусочек (Кусок) хлеба

A piece of meat

A slice of meat

Кусок мяса

Тонкий кусок мяса

A loaf of bread

(a round loaf of bread, a long loaf of bread)

Буханка хлеба (круглый хлеб, батон)














Cream cakes


Кремовые пирожное

Fresh meat

Свежее мясо

A slice of cream cake

Кусочек кремового торта

Canned meat

Мясные консервы


Колбаса, сосиски



Dairy (section)

Молочный магазин (прилавок)

Chewing gum (bubble gum)

Жевательная резинка


Long life milk


Молоко, которое долго хранится

Candy (candies)





Леденец на палочке






Сливочное масло



Some words to do shopping

Shop assistant


Shopping bag

Продуктовая сумка



To cost


Receipt/sales check


To wrap up


Exercise 5. Read the following dialogs and learn them by heart: