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Раздел: Календарно-тематический план тема 7

Grammar: Prepositions and conjunctions.

Vocabulary: Political problems. Government formation in different countries.


  1. Prepositions, adverb particles and conjunctions.

  2. Prepositions of movement and position. Prepositions of time.

  3. Prepositions of movement and position. Prepositions of time.

  4. Prepositions of Place/Movement/Time.

  5. Prepositional Phrases.

Рекомендуемая литература

  1. English Grammat in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 1997

(pp 240-273)

  1. Advanced Grammar in Use, Martin Hewings, Cambridge University Press, 2000

(рр 208-229)

  1. Tests, Texts and Topics for your English Exams, Ю.Б. Кузьменкова, Издательство “Титул», 2002 (pp 34-36, 63-71)

  2. The Heinemann English Grammar, Digby Beaumont and Colin Granger, Heintmann, 1992 (рр 106-120)

  3. Revising, Reading and Reasoning for your English Exams, Ю.Б. Кузьменкова, А. Р. Жаворонкова, И. В. Извольская, Издательство “Титул», 2002 (pp44-48, 78-91)


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2. www.expresspublishing.co.uk

Раздел: Учебно-методические материалы

Вспомогательные материалы


1. Prepositions, adverb particles and conjunctions

1.1 Words we can use either as prepositions or as adverbs:

There are many words in English such as up, down, by which we call preposition.

In fact, we use these as prepositions or adverb particles. Understanding the difference between the two will help us to understand 'phrasal verbs'.

    1. A preposition must have an object (a noun or a pronoun), so it is always related to a noun: across the road, over the wall, up the hill, down the mountain.

    2. An adverb particle does not need an object, so it is more closely related to a verb:

walk across, drive over, come up, climb down.

    1. We can use the following words either as prepositions or adverb particles:

about, above, across, after, along, before, behind, below, beneath, between, beyond, by, in, inside, near, off, on, opposite, outside, over, past, round, through, under, up, without.

We drove round the city, (round has a noun object, so it's a preposition)

We drove round, (round has no object, so it's an adverb particle).

    1. Words we can use only as prepositions or only as adverbs:

We use some 'small words' only as prepositions, so they always have a noun or pronoun object: against, among, at, beside, during, except, for, from, into, of, onto, on top of, out of, since, till/until, to, toward(s), upon, with. Sit beside me.

    1. We use other words only as adverb particles, so they do not have an object:

away, back, backward(s), downward(s), forward(s), on top, out, upward(s).

Don’t go near the fire. Stay away!

2. Prepositions of movement and position. Prepositions of time

'At a point', 'in an area' and 'on a surface'

    1. to/from and into/out of to show direction with movement:

to/from: She has gone to Paris. She has just come home from Paris.

into/out of: I went into the shop. I came out of the shop.

    1. at, in, on to show position after movement:

at a point, in an area, on a surface.

We can use at with some nouns to mean 'a (meeting) point' or in to mean 'inside':

/'// meet you at the airport. (= that's the meeting point)

/'// meet you in the airport. (= inside the building)

Typical nouns like this are: the cinema, the office, the bank, the library, (the) school.

    1. at mainly with:

public places/buildings: at the airport, the bus stop, the Grand Hotel, the butcher's.

addresses: at his sister's, 24 Cedar Avenue.

nouns with zero article: at home, church, college, school, university

events: at a concert, a dance, a dinner, a funeral, a meeting, a party, a wedding.

He's gone to a party. He is at a party.

He's been to a party. He was at a party.

2.4 in with:

large areas: in Europe, Asia, the Antarctic, the Andes, the Sahara, Texas, the Pacific.

towns/parts of towns: in Canterbury, Dallas, Manhattan. New York, Paris.

outside areas: in the garden, the park, Hyde Park, the street, the old town, the desert.

rooms: in the bathroom, his bedroom, the garage, the kitchen, the waiting room.

nouns with zero article: in bed, chapel, church, hospital, prison.

He's gone to London. He is in London.

He's been to Moscow. He was in Moscow.

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