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билеты с ответами(1-5).doc
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Card 1

Great Britain

1.Where is the uk situated?

The UK is situated off the west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the northwest and the North Sea on the east. It occupies most of the territory of the British Isles

2. What countries does the uk consist of? What are their capitals?

The UK consists of four countries. They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

3. Is the UK a large country?

The total area of Great Britain is over 244,000 square kilometres.

4. What channel separates the British Isles from the European continent?

The English Channel separates the British Isles from the European continent.

5. Can you prove that Great Britain has a variety of landscapes?

Geographically, the island of Great Britain is subdivided into two main regions — Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England, Highland Britain consists of Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines, and the Lake District. Mountains are not very high.

6. What is the highest mountain in the UK?

The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland (1,343 m)

7. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?

There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river. The Thames is the deepest and the most important river. The chief river in Scotland is the Clyde.

8. What famous lakes in Britain do you know?

Great Britain has many beautiful lakes. The best known of them is long narrow Loch Ness, legendary home of the famous monster.

9. What is the Lake District known for?

The Lake District is known for beautiful lakes.

10. What's the population of the UK?

The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people.

11. What do you imagine when you think of Britain? When I think of Britain I imagine …………………….

12. What British symbols do you know?

The different parts of Britain have their own emblems.

The red rose is the national emblem of England.

The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.

The daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales.

And the shamrock is the national emblem of Ireland.

The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack.

It is made up of three crosses:

1. the cross of St. George (the patron saint of England),

2. the cross of St. Andrew (the patron saint of Scotland),

3. the cross of St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland).

13. What are the main geographical differences between the UK and Russia?

Britain is an island nation. Russia is a continental state. Great Britain situated in the western and eastern hemispheres. Russia is located in the eastern hemisphere. Russia is washed by two oceans, the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the east. In the west the UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Card 2

British Government

1. What is the UK?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( the UK) is the official name of the British Kingdom.

2. What does the word county mean?

Britain is split into counties. The word county describes an area with its own local government. A county is an area which has its own local government. County councils are elected to run things, such as education, housing, town planning, and rubbish disposal.

3. What is the role of the Queen in Britain?

In Britain the Queen is the Head of State, but she doesn't rule the country. The most important function of the Queen is ceremonial. The Queen is a symbol of the country and its traditions. She travels about the UK, meets different people and visits schools and hospitals.

4. Who does the real power in Britain belong to?

The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government.

5. What does the British Parliament consist of?

The British Parliament has two houses (or chambers): the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

6. What is the difference between the Commons and the Lords?

The House of Commons is the most powerful and decides national policy.

The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament, or MPs. The British people elect 650 MPs every five years. The members of the House of Commons are elected.

The 1,203 members of the House of Lords are not elected. These members are permanent. The members of the House of Lords are not elected. They are aristocrats, people of the church, lawyers and former politicians.